
发布于 2023-08-01 02:14:23      浏览 112



1、 harpsichord 2、 音标:英 ['hɑːpsɪkɔːd] 美 3、 解释: 4、 n. 羽管键琴,大键琴 5、 助记提示: 6、 1、harp => harp- => harpi- => harpsi-(-s-来源不清楚) + chord-. 7、 2、对比:clavichord => 击弦古钢琴, harpsichord => 拨弦古钢琴. 8、 中文词源: 9、 harpsichord 拨弦键琴harp,竖琴,-chord,弦,词源同cord,-s,可能是复数后缀。用于乐器名拨弦键琴。 10、 英文词源: 11、 harpsichord 12、 harpsichord: [17] Harpsichord means literally ‘harp-string’. Harp [OE] is a Germanic word. It comes from a prehistoric West and North Germanic *kharpōn, which also produced German harfe, Dutch harp, and Swedish harpa, and was borrowed into the Romance languages via late Latin harpa (its Italian descendant, arpa, gave English arpeggio [18]). When the harpsichord was developed in the late 16th century, it was named in Italian arpicordo, a compound formed with corda ‘string’. English acquired the term via the now obsolete French harpechorde, for some unknown reason inserting an s in the process. 13、 => arpeggio, harp 14、 harpsichord (n.) 15、 1610s, from French harpechorde "harp string," from Modern Latin harpichordium (source also of Italian arpicordo), from harpa (see harp (n.)) + chorda "string" (see cord). The unexplained intrusive -s- in the English word is there by 1660s. 16、 双语例句: 17、 1. the plangent sound of the harpsichord 18、 拨弦键琴如泣如诉的声音 19、 来自《权威词典》 20、 2. I can tune the harpsichord as well as play it. 21、 我会弹奏大键琴,同样地,我也会给大键琴调音. 22、 来自《简明英汉词典》 23、 3. After playing a little on the harpsichord, he asked for a theme. 24、 贝多芬在大键琴上演奏了一会儿后, 向莫扎特要了个主旋律. 25、 来自互联网 26、 4. Harpsichord music is readily playable. 27、 古钢琴音乐可以随时演奏. 28、 来自互联网 29、 更多相关例句: 30、 Harpsichord music is readily playable. 31、 古钢琴音乐可以随时演奏.【期刊摘选】 32、 After playing a little on the harpsichord, he asked for a theme. 33、 贝多芬在大键琴上演奏了一会儿后, 向莫扎特要了个主旋律.【期刊摘选】 34、 I can tune the harpsichord as well as play it. 35、 我会弹奏大键琴,同样地,我也会给大键琴调音.【《简明英汉词典》】 36、 the plangent sound of the harpsichord 37、 拨弦键琴如泣如诉的声音【《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》】

上一篇:harpoon的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:harpy的翻译与解释是什么


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