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1、 harpoon 2、 音标:英 [hɑː'puːn] 美 [hɑr'pun] 3、 解释: 4、 vt. 用鱼叉叉;用鱼叉捕获 5、 n. 鱼叉 6、 中文词源: 7、 harpoon 鱼叉,渔猎标枪来自拉丁语harpa,钩子,来自PIE*serp,弯,转,弯钩,词源同serpent,-oon,大词后缀。引申词义鱼叉。 8、 英文词源: 9、 harpoon (v.) 10、 1747, from harpoon (n.). Related: Harpooned; harpooning. Agent-noun form harpooner is from 1726; harpooneer from 1610s. 11、 harpoon (n.) 12、 1610s, from French harpon, from Old French harpon "cramp iron, clamp, clasp" (described as a mason's tool for fastening stones together), from harper "to grapple, grasp," which is of uncertain origin. It is possibly of Germanic origin; or the French word might be from Latin harpa "hook" (related to harpagonem "grappling hook"), from Greek harpe "sickle," from PIE root *serp- (1) "sickle, hook." Earlier word for it was harping-iron (mid-15c.). Sense and spelling perhaps influenced by Dutch (compare Middle Dutch harpoen) or Basque, the language of the first European whaling peoples, who often accompanied English sailors on their early expeditions. Also see -oon. 13、 双语例句: 14、 1. The harpoon drove deep into the body of the whale. 15、 渔叉深深地扎进鲸鱼体内. 16、 来自《简明英汉词典》 17、 2. A relatively small part of the package are 10 Harpoon antiship missiles made by Boeing. 18、 售台武器中一个相对较小的部分是10枚“鱼叉”(Harpoon)反舰导弹,由波音公司生产. 19、 来自互联网 20、 3. They tried to get the harpoon into the ray before the sting tail came lashing over to retaliate. 21、 他们试图把鱼叉刺进鳐鱼体内,以防它猛摆那蜇人的尾巴报复。 22、 来自柯林斯例句 23、 4. When I pushed on the harpoon shaft the second time. 24、 那是在我第二次握着鱼叉的柄扎进去的时候. 25、 来自英汉文学 - 老人与海 26、 5. The fisherman transfixed the shark with a harpoon. 27、 渔夫用鱼叉刺住鲨鱼. 28、 来自辞典例句 29、 更多相关例句: 30、 Norwegian whalers said yesterday they had harpooned a female minke whale. 31、 挪威的捕鲸人说昨天他们用捕鲸叉捕获了一头雌性小须鲸。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 32、 With failing might the old man struck the shark with his harpoon. 33、 老人用尽余力把鱼叉往鲨鱼身上扎去.【期刊摘选】 34、 Mareccu pointed with the tip of his harpoon before moving. 35、 Mareccu在移动之前以他的鱼叉顶端指.【期刊摘选】 36、 A relatively small part of the package are 10 Harpoon antiship missiles made by Boeing. 37、 售台武器中一个相对较小的部分是10枚“鱼叉”(Harpoon)反舰导弹,由波音公司生产.【期刊摘选】 38、 When a boat got close enough to the whale, the harpooner threw his harpoon at it. 39、 等船非常接近鲸鱼时, 鱼叉手就以鱼叉向它投射.【期刊摘选】 40、 The fisherman transfixed the shark with a harpoon. 41、 渔夫用鱼叉刺住鲨鱼.【辞典例句】 42、 The harpoon tore along his arm all the way down to his hand. 43、 那鱼叉沿着他的胳臂一直划到他的手.【期刊摘选】 44、 He prepared the harpoon and made the rope fast while he watched the shark come on. 45、 他准备好了鱼叉,系紧了绳子,一面注视着鲨鱼向前游来.【英汉文学 - 老人与海】 46、 The harpoon drove deep into the body of the whale. 47、 渔叉深深地扎进鲸鱼体内.【《简明英汉词典》】 48、 Come up easy and let me put the harpoon into you. 49、 轻松愉快地浮上来吧,让我把鱼叉刺进你的身子.【期刊摘选】 50、 When I pushed on the harpoon shaft the second time. 51、 那是在我第二次握着鱼叉的柄扎进去的时候.【英汉文学 - 老人与海】 52、 Finally, he kills it with a harpoon and ends its pain. 53、 最后, 老人用鱼叉将鱼杀死,结束了它的痛苦.【期刊摘选】 54、 Sam Burich held his harpoon gun ready. 55、 萨姆·伯里奇扶着他的捕鲸炮准备发射.【辞典例句】 56、 He's going to harpoon the shark and blow it up? 57、 他要用鱼叉射鲨鱼然后炸死它 吗 ?【电影对白】 58、 But at the same time two harpoon - like ivory tusks shot through the air. 59、 与此同时,海象的两颗像鱼叉般的长牙刺向空中.【期刊摘选】 60、 Almost exhausted, he finally drew his catch alongside and drove in the harpoon. 61、 他虽然几乎筋疲力尽, 终于还是把自己的捕获物拉得和小船并排在一起并用鱼叉猛击这条马林鱼.【期刊摘选】 62、 He hit it with his blood mushed hands driving a good harpoon with all his strength. 63、 他使出全身的力气,用糊着鲜血的双手,把一支好鱼叉向它扎去.【英汉文学 - 老人与海】 64、 Now the bad time is coming and I do not have the harpoon. 65、 现在倒霉的时候就要来到,我连鱼叉也给丢了.【辞典例句】 66、 The whale dived as the harpoon struck it. 67、 鲸鱼被鱼叉射中后潜入水中.【辞典例句】 68、 The harpoon struck but did not embed. 69、 鱼叉击中了但并没有插入.【期刊摘选】 70、 Now the bad time is coming and I do not even have the harpoon. 71、 现在倒霉的时刻要来了,可我连鱼叉也没有.【英汉文学 - 老人与海】 72、 They tried to get the harpoon into the ray before the sting tail came lashing over to retaliate. 73、 他们试图把鱼叉刺进鳐鱼体内,以防它猛摆那蜇人的尾巴报复。【柯林斯例句】

上一篇:harpist的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:harpsichord的翻译与解释是什么


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