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1、 fictional 2、 音标:英 ['fɪkʃənl] 3、 解释: 4、 adj. 虚构的;小说的 5、 英文词源: 6、 fictional (adj.) 7、 "pertaining to fiction," 1833, from fiction + -al (1). Earlier fictitious also was used in this sense (1773). 8、 双语例句: 9、 1. Ulverton is a fictional village on the Wessex Downs. 10、 阿尔弗顿是一个虚构的地处西撒克斯丘陵的村庄。 11、 来自柯林斯例句 12、 2. It is drama featuring fictional characters. 13、 这部戏剧中的人物是虚构的。 14、 来自柯林斯例句 15、 3. Almost all fictional detectives are unreal. 16、 几乎所有小说中的侦探都是虚构的。 17、 来自柯林斯例句 18、 4. a fictional account of life on a desert island 19、 对荒岛生活的虚构描述 20、 来自《权威词典》 21、 5. The two authors represent the opposite poles of fictional genius. 22、 这两位作者代表了天才小说家两个极端. 23、 来自《简明英汉词典》 24、 更多相关例句: 25、 fictional characters 26、 虚构的人物【牛津词典】 27、 a fictional account of life on a desert island 28、 对荒岛生活的虚构描述【牛津词典】 29、 fictional techniques 30、 小说技巧【牛津词典】 31、 It is drama featuring fictional characters... 32、 这部戏剧中的人物是虚构的。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 33、 Ulverton is a fictional village on the Wessex Downs. 34、 阿尔弗顿是一个虚构的地处西撒克斯丘陵的村庄。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 35、 The young director filmed this story in a bittersweet undertone , playing with fictional and documentary codes. 36、 年轻的导演以一种苦乐参半的语调讲述了这个故事, 虚构与纪实的因素穿插其间.【期刊摘选】 37、 Disclaimer : All the statement of this post is consider as fictional. 38、 免责条款︰此文章之所有内容应被视作虚构.【期刊摘选】 39、 According to his own, he was also the name of a fictional love stories. 40、 据他自己讲, 还有人以他的名字虚构了一本爱情小说.【期刊摘选】 41、 Though a fictional country, Chernarus is also modelled exactingly on real terrain from satellite imagery. 42、 虽然是个虚构的国家, Chernarus也参照真实的地形和卫星图片建模.【期刊摘选】 43、 The third chapter addresses the elements and relationship between the actual world and fictional world. 44、 第三章提出真实与虚构世界之间的关系及要素.【期刊摘选】 45、 This is an example fictional character creator game. 46、 这是一个虚构的角色创建游戏.【期刊摘选】 47、 Holmes, a fictional character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, was born in England in 1854. 48、 福尔摩斯是亚瑟.柯南.道尔爵士所创造出来的虚构人物,一八五四年出生于英国.【期刊摘选】 49、 Gordon: Did you finish that fictional book about Area 51? 50、 戈登: 你看完那本关于51区的虚构故事了 吗 ?【期刊摘选】 51、 Albeit fictional, she seemed to have resolved the problem. 52、 虽然是虚构的, 但是在她看来好象是解决了问题.【辞典例句】 53、 The fictional room, town, world, needs a bit of starter dough from the real world. 54、 虚构的空间 、 城镇 、 世界, 需要从现实生活里取得一点东西做发酵地面肥.【期刊摘选】 55、 A preeminent actor can bring a fictional character to life. 56、 一个优秀的演员能把虚拟的人物演得有声有色.【期刊摘选】 57、 However , too much fictional, idiosyncratic biography is a distraction and makes your personas less credible. 58、 过多的虚构特质的描述,不仅是一种干扰,而且使得你的人物角色的可信度降低.【About Face 3交互设计精髓】 59、 A great actor can bring a fictional character to life. 60、 一个优秀的演员能把虚构的人物演得有声有色.【期刊摘选】 61、 The accurate reproduction of the verbal beauty in fiction, therefore , is much critical to fictional translation. 62、 能否准确传译人物语言便成了小说翻译的关键.【期刊摘选】 63、 How can it be that a fictional character out run the President of all people? 64、 一部书里的人物怎么会与一国的总统相比 呢 ?【期刊摘选】 65、 The two authors represent the opposite poles of fictional genius. 66、 这两位作者代表了天才小说家两个极端.【《简明英汉词典》】 67、 The names of the shops are entirely fictional. 68、 那些商店的名字完全是虚构的.【《简明英汉词典》】 69、 All the characters in his novel are fictional. 70、 他的小说里的所有人物都是虚构的.【期刊摘选】 71、 Contemporary writers often select, filtrate and refine their fictional diction from the traditional position of culture. 72、 当代作家常常站在传统文化的立场上选择 、 淘洗与磨练小说语言.【期刊摘选】 73、 His novels are largely autobiographical, ie though fictional they describe many of his own experiences. 74、 他的小说大多是自传式的(即虽属虚构,但却描述许多亲身经历).【辞典例句】 75、 In Rowling's fictional reality, there is no Other Place and Time. 76、 在罗琳虚构的现实中, 并没有明确的时间和地点.【期刊摘选】 77、 Happiness is only fictional; tragedy is reality. 78、 [幸福是寓言, 悲剧是故事]世间充斥著无数的悲剧与莫名的空欢喜!【期刊摘选】 79、 The setting is fictional, but not fantasy oriented. 80、 该设置是虚构的, 但不能幻想导向.【期刊摘选】 81、 Applicants are asked to describe an ethical dilemma they've faced and its impact on them, or discuss a public issue of special concern to them, or tell of a fictional character or creative work that has profoundly influenced them.【出自-2013年12月阅读原文】 82、 Even if the question is ostensibly (表面上) about something outside the self (describe a fictional character or solve a problem of geopolitics), the essay invariably returns to the favorite topic: what is its impact on YOU【出自-2013年12月阅读原文】

上一篇:fiction的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:fictionalization的翻译与解释是什么


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