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1、 fiction 2、 音标:英 ['fɪkʃ(ə)n] 美 ['fɪkʃən] 3、 解释: 4、 n. 小说;虚构,编造;谎言 5、 助记提示: 6、 1. g -------------------> ct. 7、 2. figment => fiction. 8、 中文词源: 9、 fiction 小说来自PIE*dheigh, 捏造,制造,形成,词源同dough, figure. 用来指小说。 10、 英文词源: 11、 fiction 12、 fiction: [14] Fiction is literally ‘something made or invented’ – and indeed that was the original meaning of the word in English. It seems always to have been used in the sense ‘story or set of “facts” invented’ rather than of some concrete invention, however, and by the end of the 16th century it was being applied specifically to a literary genre of ‘invented narrative’. The word comes via Old French from Latin fictiō, a derivative of the verb fingere ‘make, shape’, from which English also gets effigy, faint, feign, figure, and figment. 13、 => effigy, faint, feign, figure, figment 14、 fiction (n.) 15、 early 15c., ficcioun, "that which is invented or imagined in the mind," from Old French ficcion "dissimulation, ruse; invention, fabrication" (13c.) and directly from Latin fictionem (nominative fictio) "a fashioning or feigning," noun of action from past participle stem of fingere "to shape, form, devise, feign," originally "to knead, form out of clay," from PIE *dheigh- "to build, form, knead" (source also of Old English dag "dough;" see dough). 16、 Meaning "prose works (not dramatic) of the imagination" is from 1590s, at first often including plays and poems. Narrower sense of "the part of literature comprising novels and short stories based on imagined scenes or characters" is by early 19c. The legal sense (fiction of law) is from 1580s. A writer of fiction could be a fictionist (1827). The related Latin words included the literal notion "worked by hand," as well as the figurative senses of "invented in the mind; artificial, not natural": Latin fictilis "made of clay, earthen;" fictor "molder, sculptor" (also borrowed 17c. in English), but also of Ulysses as "master of deceit;" fictum "a deception, falsehood; fiction." 17、 双语例句: 18、 1. Fiction takes up a large slice of the publishing market. 19、 小说在出版市场上占了很大的份额。 20、 来自柯林斯例句 21、 2. Naomi's mothering experiences are poignantly described in her fiction. 22、 娜奥米把她当母亲的经历字字辛酸地写进了小说。 23、 来自柯林斯例句 24、 3. The line between fact and fiction is becoming blurred. 25、 事实和虚构之间的界限正变得模糊起来。 26、 来自柯林斯例句 27、 4. Her taste in fiction was for chunky historical romances. 28、 她喜欢的小说是大部头的历史言情故事。 29、 来自柯林斯例句 30、 5. The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy. 31、 科学事实和科幻小说之间的界限变得有点儿模糊了。 32、 来自柯林斯例句 33、 更多相关例句: 34、 a work of popular fiction 35、 通俗小说作品【牛津词典】 36、 historical/romantic fiction 37、 历史 / 言情小说【牛津词典】 38、 For years he managed to keep up the fiction that he was not married. 39、 多年来他设法一直给人一种未婚的假象。【牛津词典】 40、 Immigrant tales have always been popular themes in fiction... 41、 移民故事一直是小说中常见的主题。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 42、 Diana is a writer of historical fiction. 43、 黛安娜是历史小说作家。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 44、 The truth or fiction of this story has never been truly determined. 45、 这个故事一直以来真伪莫辨。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 46、 The idea that the United States could harmoniously accommodate all was a fiction. 47、 认为美国可以接纳所有的人,使之和谐相处是一个幻想。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 48、 Is the story fact or fiction? 49、 这个故事的情节是真实的还是虚构的?【《简明英汉词典》】 50、 Her story was a pure fiction. 51、 她的故事纯属虚构.【《简明英汉词典》】 52、 Truth is stranger than fiction. 53、 实际的人生比虚构的故事还离奇.【《现代英汉综合大词典》】 54、 Science fiction stories often mention robots that can talk. 55、 科幻小说常提到会说话的机器人.【《简明英汉词典》】 56、 It is a legal fiction that a corporation is a person. 57、 把团体法人当作一个人是一种法律上的假设.【《现代英汉综合大词典》】 58、 I saw the child reading a science fiction comic. 59、 我看见那孩子在看一本科幻连环漫画杂志.【《简明英汉词典》】 60、 Fact [ Truth ] is stranger than fiction. 61、 [ 谚 ] 事实比小说还离奇.【《现代英汉综合大词典》】 62、 Fiction writing as a means of living is no easy task. 63、 写小说作为一种谋生手段绝非易事.【《现代汉英综合大词典》】 64、 The sheer volume of fiction produced is staggering. 65、 完成的小说数量之巨令人吃惊.【《简明英汉词典》】 66、 He does the fiction for a newspaper. 67、 他负责给报纸写小说评论.【《现代英汉综合大词典》】 68、 a devotee of science fiction 69、 科幻小说的狂热爱好者【《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》】 70、 a work of popular fiction 71、 通俗小说作品【《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》】 72、 The book intermingles fact with fiction. 73、 这本书事实和虚构并存。【《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》】 74、 one of the greatest practitioners of science fiction 75、 最了不起的科幻小说家之一【《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》】 76、 an avid reader of science fiction 77、 科幻小说迷【《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》】 78、 I read everything from fiction to history. 79、 从小说到历史,我什么书都读。【柯林斯例句】 80、 Naomi's mothering experiences are poignantly described in her fiction. 81、 娜奥米把她当母亲的经历字字辛酸地写进了小说。【柯林斯例句】 82、 Unfortunately the public conflated fiction with reality and made her into a saint. 83、 不幸的是,公众把小说和现实混为一谈,把她当成了圣徒。【柯林斯例句】 84、 I did not yet make a distinction between the pleasures of reading and of writing fiction. 85、 我还没有搞清楚阅读的快乐和写小说的快乐有何不同。【柯林斯例句】 86、 I failed in my career as a writer of fiction entirely because of deficiencies in the education system. 87、 我的小说作家生涯失败了,原因完全是因为教育体制的缺陷。【柯林斯例句】 88、 Hardback and trade paperbacks for "serious" nonfiction and fiction will surely last longer.【出自-2014年6月阅读原文】 89、 Yes, I don't usually go to science fiction films.【出自-2012年12月听力原文】 90、 It certainly wasn't as good as other science fiction films I've ever seen【出自-2012年12月听力原文】 91、 What does the man say about the science fiction films?【出自-2012年12月听力原文】 92、 Reading literary fiction, he says, makes us more curious.【2017年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B】 93、 The decline in interest in literary fiction is also one of the causes identified by Leslie.【2017年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B】 94、 A Voyage to the Moon,often cited as the first science fiction story, was written by Cyrano de Bergerac in 1649.【出自-2013年12月阅读原文】 95、 ingenuity is essential for science fiction writers【出自-2013年12月阅读原文】 96、 dreamers have always been interested in science fiction【出自-2013年12月阅读原文】 97、 A chronicle professor, Henry Louis Gates, recently studied are search project looking into 19th century African-American fiction and poetry.【出自-2013年12月听力原文】 98、 As a kid, I thrilled to tales of adventure and Isaac Asimov's juvenile science fiction novel Lucky Starr and The Oceans of Venus.【2019年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C】 99、 Having your personal satellite launched into orbit might sound like an idea straight out of science fiction.【2019年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B】 100、 It's fiction, as what happens in every episode is made up.【2019年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A】 101、 The robots in Asimov's fiction expose complications and loopholes in the three laws, and even when the laws work, robots still have to assess situations.【2017年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C】 102、 The very first thing that scientists discovered with the mission to another planet was that Venus was not at all the earthly paradise that fiction had portrayed.【2019年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C】 103、 And years later, she was proud that her son had read thousands of books, was awarded a PhD in literature, and authored his own books, articles, poetry and fiction.【2015年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文】 104、 For example, evolutionary psychology is being used by literary scholars to explain the long-lasting themes and plot devices in fiction.【2015年高考英语重庆卷 阅读理解 阅读E 原文】 105、 Many works of fiction appeared without the names of the authors, often with something like "by a lady".【2018年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文】 106、 The potential evolution of today's technology, and its social consequences, is dazzlingly complicated, and it's perhaps best left to science fiction writers and futurologists to explore the many possibilities we can envisage.【出自-2013年考研阅读原文】 107、 He could not confide them even to his wife, although they provide the unacknowledged foundation of his fiction.【出自-2017年考研阅读原文】 108、 Young people who are digital natives are indeed becoming more skillful at separating fact from fiction in cyberspace.【出自-2018年考研阅读原文】 109、 Even before the invention of the electric light bulb, the author produced a remarkable work of speculative fiction that would foreshadow many ethical questions to be raised by technologies yet to come.【2019年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ】

上一篇:fictile的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:fictional的翻译与解释是什么


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