
发布于 2023-07-01 01:38:28      浏览 178



1、 divulge 2、 音标:英 [daɪ'vʌldʒ; dɪ-] 美 [dɪ'vʌldʒ] 3、 解释: 4、 vt. 泄露;暴露 5、 中文词源: 6、 divulge 泄露di-, 分开,散开,来自dis-变体。-vulg, 平民,民众,词源同vulgar, vulgarity. 即在公众中传播,引申词义泄露。 7、 英文词源: 8、 divulge 9、 divulge: [15] Etymologically, to divulge something is to make it known to the vulgar masses. The word comes from Latin dīvulgāre, a compound verb formed from the prefix dis- ‘widely’ and vulgāre ‘make common, publish’. This in turn was derived from vulgus ‘common people’, source of English vulgar. At first in English it was semantically neutral, meaning ‘make widely known’ (‘fame of his ouvrages [works, achievements] hath been divulged’, William Caxton, Book of Eneydos 1490), but by the 17th century the word’s modern connotations of ‘disclosing what should be secret’ had developed. 10、 => vulgar 11、 divulge (v.) 12、 mid-15c., from Latin divulgare "publish, make common," from dis- "apart" (see dis-) + vulgare "make common property," from vulgus "common people" (see vulgar). Related: Divulged; divulging. 13、 双语例句: 14、 1. I do not want to divulge where the village is. 15、 我不想透露那个村庄在哪儿。 16、 来自柯林斯例句 17、 2. Officials refuse to divulge details of the negotiations. 18、 官员们拒绝透露谈判的细节。 19、 来自柯林斯例句 20、 3. Police refused to divulge the identity of the suspect. 21、 警方拒绝透露嫌疑犯的身份。 22、 来自《权威词典》 23、 4. They refused to divulge where they had hidden the money. 24、 他们拒绝说出他们把钱藏在什么地方. 25、 来自《简明英汉词典》 26、 5. He swore never to divulge the secret. 27、 他立誓决不泄露秘密. 28、 来自《简明英汉词典》 29、 更多相关例句: 30、 I do not want to divulge where the village is. 31、 我不想透露那个村庄在哪儿。【柯林斯例句】 32、 Officials refuse to divulge details of the negotiations. 33、 官员们拒绝透露谈判的细节。【柯林斯例句】 34、 Police refused to divulge the identity of the suspect. 35、 警方拒绝透露嫌疑犯的身份。【《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》】 36、 They refused to divulge where they had hidden the money. 37、 他们拒绝说出他们把钱藏在什么地方.【《简明英汉词典》】 38、 He swore never to divulge the secret. 39、 他立誓决不泄露秘密.【《简明英汉词典》】 40、 Due to the obvious sensitivity of the issue he would not divulge any details. 41、 由于该问题明显非常敏感,他不会透露任何细节。【柯林斯例句】 42、 Miss Fan said, " I can't divulge her secret. " 43、 范小姐道: “ 我不能漏泄她的秘密. ”【汉英文学 - 围城】 44、 Next, we thought of calling Wicklow in and making him divulge everything. 45、 其次, 我们想到把威克鲁叫来,让他吐出一切秘密.【辞典例句】 46、 I cannot divulge how much it cost. 47、 我不能把价钱泄露出来.【辞典例句】 48、 Should he divulge Fix's real errand to his master? 49、 路路通是否应该把这些事情告诉他的主人 呢 ?【互联网】 50、 I'm not at liberty to divulge the contents of the message. 51、 我不可以随便泄露这消息的内容.【互联网】 52、 Shall I divulge how I truly lost my powers? 53、 要我道出到底我是怎样真正丧失了我的法力 么 ?【互联网】 54、 He refused to divulge any information regarding the man's whereabouts. 55、 关于这个人的下落他拒绝透露任何消息.【互联网】 56、 To divulge in a breach of confidence. 57、 以违背信任而泄露.【互联网】 58、 So giant user group, once produce individual privacy to divulge, its harm nots allow to underestimate. 59、 如此巨大的用户群体, 一旦发生个人隐私泄露, 其危害不容低估.【互联网】

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