
发布于 2023-10-08 17:42:51      浏览 125



1、 quartile 2、 音标:英 ['kwɔːtaɪl] 美 ['kwɔrtaɪl] 3、 解释: 4、 n. 四分位数;四分点 5、 中文词源: 6、 quartile 四分位数quart-,四,四分之一,-ile,形容词后缀。引申词义四等分,四分位数。 7、 英文词源: 8、 quartile (n.) 9、 c. 1500, originally in astronomy; see quartile (adj.). In statistics, from 1879. 10、 quartile (adj.) 11、 mid-15c., "90 degrees apart" (of astronomical measurements), from Middle French quartil, from Medieval Latin quartilus "of a quartile," from Latin quartus "fourth" (see quart). 12、 双语例句: 13、 1. The upper quartile is that value above which 25 per cent of the observations lie. 14、 上四分位数是25%的观察值位于其上的值. 15、 来自辞典例句 16、 2. Those in the quartile of FEV 1 decline were defined as fast declines. 17、 FEV1下降的四分位数最高值即定义为快速减退. 18、 来自互联网 19、 3. There were Therefore only 28 % of students in the top quartile are from lowerlower - income families. 20、 因此,在高水平学生中只有28%的人来自 低收入 家庭. 21、 来自互联网 22、 4. Furthermore, this series is the first one in which patients have been distributed according to quartile. 23、 此外, 该系列研究第一次采用四分位数法对患者分组. 24、 来自互联网 25、 5. Results SUA in quartile correlated with increasing IMT and severity of plaque in the elderly. 26、 结果血尿酸四分位组分析显示,随分位数增加,老年人颈动脉IMT及斑块严重程度增加. 27、 来自互联网 28、 更多相关例句: 29、 women in the fourth quartile of height (= the shortest 25% of women) 30、 身高在第四个四分位值的妇女(即最矮的25%妇女)【牛津词典】 31、 Furthermore, this series is the first one in which patients have been distributed according to quartile. 32、 此外, 该系列研究第一次采用四分位数法对患者分组.【期刊摘选】 33、 Results SUA in quartile correlated with increasing IMT and severity of plaque in the elderly. 34、 结果血尿酸四分位组分析显示,随分位数增加,老年人颈动脉IMT及斑块严重程度增加.【期刊摘选】 35、 Those in the quartile of FEV 1 decline were defined as fast declines. 36、 FEV1下降的四分位数最高值即定义为快速减退.【期刊摘选】 37、 Only 47 % of children born to women in the top quartile of stress were males. 38、 在受压力程度最大的妇女所生的孩子中,只有47%为男性.【期刊摘选】 39、 The upper quartile is that value above which 25 per cent of the observations lie. 40、 上四分位数是25%的观察值位于其上的值.【辞典例句】 41、 In this paper, we study the linearization process of the maximal quartile operator. 42、 本文研究了极大四瓦片算子的线性化过程.【期刊摘选】 43、 Results SUA in quartile positively correlated with increasing IMT and severity of plaque in the elderly. 44、 结果血尿酸四分位组分析显示,随分位数增加,老年人颈动脉imt及斑块严重程度增加.【期刊摘选】

上一篇:quartet的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:quarto的翻译与解释是什么


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