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1、 pardon 2、 音标:英 ['pɑːd(ə)n] 美 ['pɑrdn] 3、 解释: 4、 n. 原谅;赦免;宽恕 5、 vt. 原谅;赦免;宽恕 6、 n. (Pardon)人名;(德、法、捷)帕尔东 7、 中文词源: 8、 pardon 请原谅,赦免par,完全的,词源同per-,完全的,-don,给予,词源同donate.即完全的给予,引申词义赦免,免除惩罚,多用于感叹词”pardon me”,请原谅。 9、 英文词源: 10、 pardon 11、 pardon: see date, forgive 12、 pardon (n.) 13、 late 13c., "papal indulgence," from Old French pardon, from pardoner "to grant; forgive" (11c., Modern French pardonner), "to grant, forgive," from Vulgar Latin *perdonare "to give wholeheartedly, to remit," from Latin per- "through, thoroughly" (see per) + donare "give, present" (see donation). 14、 Meaning "passing over an offense without punishment" is from c. 1300, also in the strictly ecclesiastical sense; sense of "pardon for a civil or criminal offense; release from penalty or obligation" is from late 14c. earlier in Anglo-French. Weaker sense of "excuse for a minor fault" is attested from 1540s. 15、 pardon (v.) 16、 mid-15c., "to forgive for offense or sin," from Old French pardoner (see pardon (n.)). 'I grant you pardon,' said Louis XV to Charolais, who, to divert himself, had just killed a man; 'but I also pardon whoever will kill you.' [Marquis de Sade, "Philosophy in the Bedroom"] 17、 Related: Pardoned; pardoning. Pardon my French as exclamation of apology for obscene language is from 1895. 18、 双语例句: 19、 1. It's enough to make you wet yourself, if you'll pardon the expression. 20、 这足以吓得你尿裤子了,请原谅我这么说。 21、 来自柯林斯例句 22、 2. That, if you'll pardon my saying so, is neither here nor there. 23、 恕我直言,那根本就不重要。 24、 来自柯林斯例句 25、 3. I was impolite and I do beg your pardon. 26、 我失礼了,真对不起。 27、 来自柯林斯例句 28、 4. "Will you let me open it?"— 'Pardon.' — 'Can I open it.' 29、 “我能打开它吗?”——“请再说一遍?”——“我能打开它吗?” 30、 来自柯林斯例句 31、 5. I beg your pardon, pray continue. 32、 抱歉,请继续。 33、 来自柯林斯例句 34、 更多相关例句: 35、 ‘You're very quiet today. ’ ‘Pardon? ’ ‘I said you're very quiet today. ’ 36、 “你今天话很少啊。”“什么?”“我说你今天话很少。”【牛津词典】 37、 to ask/grant/receive a pardon 38、 请求 / 准予 / 获得赦免【牛津词典】 39、 a royal/presidential pardon 40、 皇家 / 总统特赦【牛津词典】 41、 He asked her pardon for having deceived her. 42、 他欺骗了她,向她请求原谅。【牛津词典】 43、 She was pardoned after serving ten years of a life sentence. 44、 她被判终身监禁服刑十年后被赦免了。【牛津词典】 45、 Pardon my ignorance, but what is a ‘duplex ’? 46、 请原谅我无知,duplex是什么呢?【牛津词典】 47、 The place was, if you'll pardon the expression , a dump. 48、 那个地方,请恕我直言,简直是个垃圾场。【牛津词典】 49、 Pardon my asking, but is that your husband? 50、 请原谅我多问,那位是您的先生吗?【牛津词典】 51、 (British English)You could be pardoned for thinking (= it is easy to understand why people think) that education is not the government's priority. 52、 人们认为政府没有优先考虑教育,这是不难理解的。【牛津词典】 53、 Pardon me for interrupting you. 54、 对不起,打扰您了。【牛津词典】 55、 ‘Oh, just shut up! ’ ‘Well, pardon me for breathing! ’ 56、 “你给我闭嘴!”“唔,不能不让人呼吸吧!”【牛津词典】 57、 'Will you let me open it?' — 'Pardon?' — 'Can I open it?'... 58、 “我能打开它吗?”——“请再说一遍?”——“我能打开它吗?”【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 59、 'Does it have wires coming out of it?' — 'Pardon me?' — 'Does it have wires coming out of it?' 60、 “有电线从里面伸出来吗?”——“什么?”——“有电线从里面伸出来吗?”【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 61、 'Would you get undressed, please?' — 'I beg your pardon?' — 'Will you get undressed?' 62、 “请你脱掉衣服,好吗?”——“你说什么?”——“脱掉衣服,好吗?”【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 63、 I was impolite and I do beg your pardon... 64、 我失礼了,真对不起。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 65、 'We're meant to do it quarterly actually.' — 'Oh quarterly, I beg your pardon, I thought it was monthly.' 66、 “其实我们本意是一季度一次。”——“哦,一季度一次,对不起,我还以为一月一次呢。”【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 67、 Pardon me, are you finished, madam? 68、 对不起,您用完餐了吗,夫人?【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 69、 That, if you'll pardon my saying so, is neither here nor there. 70、 恕我直言,那根本就不重要。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 71、 It's enough to make you wet yourself, if you'll pardon the expression. 72、 这足以吓得你尿裤子了,请原谅我这么说。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 73、 Hundreds of political prisoners were pardoned and released. 74、 数百名政治犯被赦免释放。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 75、 A wilful fault has no excuse and deserves no pardon. 76、 不能宽恕故意犯下的错误.【《简明英汉词典》】 77、 Pardon me for interrupting you. 78、 对不起,打搅你了.【《现代汉英综合大词典》】

上一篇:pard的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:pardonable的翻译与解释是什么


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