
发布于 2023-10-10 14:36:37      浏览 125



1、 raspberry 2、 音标:英 ['rɑːzb(ə)rɪ] 美 ['ræzbəri] 3、 解释: 4、 n. 覆盆子;舌头放在唇间发出的声音;(表示轻蔑,嘲笑等的)咂舌声 5、 n. (Raspberry)人名;(英)拉斯伯里 6、 中文词源: 7、 raspberry 覆盆子,悬钩子缩写自 raspis berry,悬钩子,来自 berry,莓子,浆果,raspis,词源不详,词源可能同 rasp,粗刮, 刮擦,形容该浆果多毛。 8、 raspberry 嘘声,嘲笑声同韵俚语词,来自 raspberry tart,用做 fart 的同韵俚语。 9、 英文词源: 10、 raspberry 11、 raspberry: [17] The origins of the word raspberry are a mystery. At first, the fruit was known simply as raspes or raspis (recorded in an Anglo-Latin text as early as the 13th century), and the -berry was not tacked on until the early 17th century – but no one knows where raspes came from. Its use for a ‘rude noise made by blowing’, first recorded in the 1890s, comes from rhyming slang raspberry tart ‘fart’. 12、 raspberry (n.) 13、 1620s, earlier raspis berry (1540s), possibly from raspise "a sweet rose-colored wine" (mid-15c.), from Anglo-Latin vinum raspeys, origin uncertain, as is the connection between this and Old French raspe, Medieval Latin raspecia, raspeium, also meaning "raspberry." One suggestion is via Old Walloon raspoie "thicket," of Germanic origin. Klein suggests it is via the French word, from a Germanic source akin to English rasp (v.), with an original sense of "rough berry," based on appearance. 14、 A native plant of Europe and Asiatic Russia, the name was applied to a similar vine in North America. Meaning "rude sound" (1890) is shortening of raspberry tart, rhyming slang for fart. 15、 双语例句: 16、 1. He blows a raspberry down the telephone line and hangs up. 17、 他对着电话呸了一声,然后挂断了。 18、 来自柯林斯例句 19、 2. They're all making raspberry noises. 20、 他们所有人都在吐舌头发出讥笑声。 21、 来自柯林斯例句 22、 3. to blow a raspberry at sb 23、 对某人发出嘘声 24、 来自《权威词典》 25、 4. She spread the toast thinly with raspberry jam. 26、 她在烤面包片上塗了薄薄的一层山莓酱. 27、 来自《简明英汉词典》 28、 5. They ate raspberry tarts and ice cream. 29、 大家吃着木莓馅饼和冰淇淋. 30、 来自辞典例句 31、 更多相关例句: 32、 raspberry jam 33、 山莓酱【牛津词典】 34、 to blow a raspberry at sb 35、 对某人发出嘘声【牛津词典】 36、 He blows a raspberry down the telephone line and hangs up... 37、 他对着电话呸了一声,然后挂断了。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 38、 They're all making raspberry noises. 39、 他们所有人都在吐舌头发出讥笑声。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 40、 ...a time to blow a modest raspberry at politics... 41、 对政治稍加指责的时期【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 42、 Fold the egg white cream and Kirsch into raspberry mixture to form mousse. 43、 将蛋白奶油及樱桃酒一起加入覆盆子混合物中,拌均匀成慕斯.【期刊摘选】 44、 Joyce? This is for my sister. She loves anything made of the raspberry leather. 45、 乔伊斯? 这是要给我妹妹的. 她很喜欢梅子色的皮件.【期刊摘选】 46、 Strawberry and Macadamia ice cream garnished with raspberry and chocolate sauce and delicious Royal Danish Pastry. 47、 现烤进口皇家丹麦派酥,搭配草莓及夏威夷果仁冰淇淋,淋上覆盆子及巧克力酱,让您吃一口就爱上它.【期刊摘选】 48、 She loves anything made of the raspberry leather. 49、 她很喜欢梅子色的皮件.【期刊摘选】 50、 She spread the toast thinly with raspberry jam. 51、 她在烤面包片上塗了薄薄的一层山莓酱.【《简明英汉词典》】 52、 Processing technology of red raspberry beverage and color stability were studied. 53、 对树莓清汁饮料的加工技术及色泽稳定性进行了研究.【期刊摘选】 54、 The bars come in three flavors: Chocolate peanut butter, frosted white raspberry and yogurt honey. 55、 速食棒有三种风味: 巧克力花生酱, 冷制白树莓和酸奶蜂蜜.【期刊摘选】 56、 A raspberry sound ; a Bronx cheer. 57、 北美的一种红色覆盆子.【期刊摘选】 58、 This raspberry color looks too rich. 59、 这个小红莓的颜色看起来太浓了.【期刊摘选】 60、 Technologies of clarification and acidity reduction of raspberry dry wine were studied. 61、 本文对树莓干酒的澄清和降酸技术进行了研究.【期刊摘选】 62、 Like cool raspberry and spicy nacho cheese? 63、 像是清凉的覆盆子口味和辛辣的墨西哥烤干酪玉米口味?【期刊摘选】 64、 Raspberry includes mang kinds of amino acid and microelement. 65、 含多种微量元素及人体所需的氨基酸.【期刊摘选】 66、 They ate raspberry tarts and ice cream. 67、 大家吃着木莓馅饼和冰淇淋.【辞典例句】 68、 The Gorgon, Miss Springer, the games mistress came back to gave me a raspberry. 69、 那个女妖魔, 即体育教师斯普林杰小姐又回来把我教训一通.【辞典例句】 70、 Raspberry with antioxidant vitamins C helps to keep your cells alive and young! 71、 树莓富含抗氧化维他命C,使您的细胞年轻有活力!【期刊摘选】 72、 A prickly shrub of the genus Rubus , including the blackberry and the raspberry. 73、 北温带的一种平铺覆盆子,具有黄色或橙色的浆果.【期刊摘选】 74、 The boss and his secretary bell gave Jack the raspberry today. 75、 今天老板和他的秘书两人对杰克咂舌砸唇的.【期刊摘选】 76、 I've always wondered what raspberry cordial tastes like. 77、 我一直怀疑覆盆子香酒会是什么味道.【期刊摘选】 78、 Ruby with beautiful intensity. Vigorous smell of raspberry, blackberry, peony and moss. 79、 明亮的红宝石色, 有丰富的黑莓, 悬钩子, 牡丹等香气.【期刊摘选】 80、 Shows a ruby gamet colour with lots of raspberry and red cherry fruit with great balance. 81、 宝石红色,带有许多的覆盆子和红浆果的气味,结构十分平衡.【期刊摘选】 82、 Great ruby colour with intensity . Smell of blackcurrant, blueberry , raspberry, prune , spices, mousse and smoked. 83、 明亮的红宝石色,有丰富的黑醋栗, 越桔, 皮革, 香料和烟熏的香气.【期刊摘选】 84、 It is round and full bodied, with bright fruit flavors of blackberry, raspberry and black pepper. 85、 酒体丰满圆润, 带有明亮的水果风味,如黑莓, 红莓以及黑胡椒的味道.【期刊摘选】 86、 He blew a loud and lengthy raspberry. 87、 他发出一声既响又长的呸声.【辞典例句】

上一篇:rasp的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:Rasputin的翻译与解释是什么


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