
发布于 2023-08-28 03:12:34      浏览 117



1、 lumen 2、 音标:英 ['luːmen] 美 ['lumɛn] 3、 解释: 4、 n. 流明(光束的能量单位);(管状器官内的)内腔 5、 助记提示: 6、 1. 音译“流明” 7、 中文词源: 8、 lumen 流明(光通量单位)来自拉丁语lumen,光亮,光线,词源同light. 9、 英文词源: 10、 lumen (n.) 11、 unit of luminosity, 1897, coined 1894 by French physicist André-Eugène Blondel (1863-1938) from Latin lumen "light," related to lucere "to shine" (see light (n.)). 12、 双语例句: 13、 1. The conical configuration of the appendix makes obstruction of the lumen unlikely. 14、 阑尾呈圆锥形,不易造成腔内梗阻. 15、 来自辞典例句 16、 2. One solution flows through the central lumen of the fibers. 17、 一种溶液从纤维的中心腔流过. 18、 来自辞典例句 19、 3. Reconnect main lumen to suction source. 20、 请将主腔管道连接吸引源. 21、 来自辞典例句 22、 4. The innermost region of cotton is called lumen. 23、 棉纤维的最内层组织叫中腔. 24、 来自辞典例句 25、 5. A lumen is a measure of the rate of emission of light energy. 26、 流明是光能放射率的量度单位. 27、 来自辞典例句 28、 更多相关例句: 29、 Each has an opening to the colonic lumen through a narrow neck. 30、 每个憩室有一个窄的开口通向结肠腔.【期刊摘选】 31、 A few of cells have ICDS with closed lumen and autodesmosomes. 32、 少数细胞中可见带部分关闭腔的ICDS(ICDSwith aclosed Iumen) 和自体桥粒(Autodesmosomes).【期刊摘选】 33、 In this image, they are present within the lumen of a large benign gland. 34、 下图中的良性前列腺体的大管腔内可以见到这种结晶体.【期刊摘选】 35、 Hyperplasia median lobe of the prostate produces a polypoid mass that protrudes in the bladder lumen. 36、 前列腺中叶异常增生,表现为息肉样肿物,突入膀胱腔内.【期刊摘选】 37、 Results The mucosa was flattened and destructed and local lumen was narrowed on barium radiographs. 38、 结果钡餐造影表现为黏膜变平或破坏,管腔狭窄.【期刊摘选】 39、 The International System unit of illumination, equal to one lumen per square meter. 40、 照明单位等于每平方米流明;(待查表)英尺烛光.【期刊摘选】 41、 The pancreatic acinus was composed of five to six pyramidal acinar cells around the lumen. 42、 兔胰腺外分泌部由许多腺泡组成,每一腺泡由5~6个锥形细胞围绕形成,中央为腺泡腔.【期刊摘选】 43、 It has been proposed that these fragments represent lysosomal products regurgitated to the tubular lumen 4. 44、 因此有人提出这些碎片是返流入肾小管管腔的溶酶体产物.【期刊摘选】 45、 The focal granulomatous inflammation with narrowed arterial lumen is seen here at high magnification. 46、 高倍镜下可见病灶的肉芽肿炎症伴有动脉腔狭窄.【期刊摘选】 47、 A lumen is a measure of the rate of emission of light energy. 48、 流明是光能放射率的量度单位.【辞典例句】 49、 Tumors that arise from vessels extend outward from the lumen towards soft tissue. 50、 起源于血管的肿瘤从腔内向外延伸至软组织.【期刊摘选】 51、 Lumen : The unit for measuring luminous flux. 52、 流明: 量度光通量的单位.【期刊摘选】 53、 Reconnect main lumen to suction source. 54、 请将主腔管道连接吸引源.【辞典例句】 55、 The endothelial cells have proliferated and lumen is absent. 56、 可见血管内皮细胞增生以及管腔消失.【期刊摘选】 57、 Irregular protrusions out of the lumen and markedly inhomogeneous enhancement showed on CT imaging. 58、 CT表现为肠不规则肿块,增强扫描肿块不均匀强化.【期刊摘选】 59、 Conclusion MRI can identificate the intimal flap , true lumen and false lumen site and range. 60、 结论MRI能准确识别内膜片 、 真假两腔、夹层累及范围及主要分支受累情况,为临床进一步治疗提供重要依据.【期刊摘选】 61、 Endoscopic ultrasound has dramatically extended the reach lumen and into adjacent organs and the mediastinum. 62、 超声内镜已经在整个胃肠道系统得到广泛应用,甚至应用到邻近脏器和纵隔.【期刊摘选】 63、 Results The lumen of pericarcinoma lymphatic distended obviously and a lot of endothelial junctions were opened. 64、 结果癌周毛细淋巴管不同程度地扩张,并出现大量内皮细胞连接的开放.【期刊摘选】 65、 Lumen output a fluorescent lamp after it has been operating 100 hours. 66、 荧光灯燃点100小时后的光通输出.【期刊摘选】 67、 The arterial wall is undergoing necrosis, and there is thrombus formation in the lumen. 68、 动脉壁逐渐坏死, 血管腔内有血栓形成.【期刊摘选】 69、 Results Low field intensity MRI rangesite, intimal flap and true and false lumen in all patients. 70、 目的评价低场强磁共振成像对主动脉夹层的诊断价值.【期刊摘选】 71、 The conical configuration of the appendix makes obstruction of the lumen unlikely. 72、 阑尾呈圆锥形,不易造成腔内梗阻.【辞典例句】 73、 The arteriolar wall is markedly thickened and the lumen is narrowed. 74、 动脉壁明显增厚,管腔狭窄.【期刊摘选】 75、 Apoptosis of ECs within the capillary sprout resulted in expansion of intercellular space into a lumen. 76、 毛细血管芽内部的内皮细胞凋亡,扩大为细胞间管腔.【期刊摘选】 77、 One solution flows through the central lumen of the fibers. 78、 一种溶液从纤维的中心腔流过.【辞典例句】 79、 Note the purplish blue calcifications in note that the lumen is unaffected by this process. 80、 在动脉中膜可见紫蓝色的钙化灶,而管腔没有受累.【期刊摘选】 81、 A coronary thrombosis is seen microscopically occluding the remaining small lumen of this coronary artery. 82、 冠状动脉血栓形成使内腔闭塞.血栓使仅有的很小的内腔闭塞.【期刊摘选】

上一篇:lumberjack的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:Lumiere的翻译与解释是什么


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