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1、 brim 2、 音标:英 [brɪm] 美 [brɪm] 3、 解释: 4、 n. 边;边缘 5、 vi. 满溢;溢出 6、 vt. 使…满溢 7、 n. (Brim)人名;(英)布里姆 8、 中文词源: 9、 brim 边缘词源可能同break, 分开,切开。 10、 英文词源: 11、 brim 12、 brim: [13] Brim appears out of the blue at the beginning of the 13th century, meaning ‘edge, border’, with no apparent ancestor in Old English. It is usually connected with Middle High German brem and Old Norse barmr, both ‘edge’, which would point to a prehistoric Germanic source *berm- or *barm-. It has been conjectured that this could derive from the stem *ber- (source of English bear ‘carry’), and that the etymological meaning of brim is thus ‘raised border’. The modern sense ‘rim of a hat’ is first recorded in Shakespeare. 13、 => bear 14、 brim (n.) 15、 c. 1200, brymme "edge of the sea," of obscure origin, perhaps akin to Old Norse barmr "rim, brim," probably related to German bräme "margin, border, fringe," from PIE *bhrem- "point, spike, edge." (Old English had brim in the sense "sea, surf," but this probably was from the Germanic stem *brem- "to roar, rage.") Extended by 1520s to cups, basins, hats. 16、 brim (v.) 17、 "to fill to the brim," 1610s, from brim (n.). Intransitive sense ("be full to the brim") attested from 1818. Related: Brimmed; brimming. 18、 双语例句: 19、 1. The toilet was full to the brim with insects. 20、 厕所里爬满了虫子。 21、 来自柯林斯例句 22、 2. Richard filled her glass right up to the brim. 23、 理查德给她倒了满满一杯。 24、 来自柯林斯例句 25、 3. The flowerbeds brim with a mixture of lilies and roses. 26、 花坛里长满了百合和玫瑰。 27、 来自柯林斯例句 28、 4. two wine glasses, filled to the brim 29、 两只斟满的酒杯 30、 来自《权威词典》 31、 5. We brim over with sympathy after she told us her sad story. 32、 她告诉我们她的悲苦身世后,我们对她深表同情. 33、 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》 34、 更多相关例句: 35、 two wine glasses, filled to the brim 36、 两只斟满的酒杯【牛津词典】 37、 a wide-brimmed hat 38、 宽檐帽【牛津词典】 39、 Her eyes brimmed with tears. 40、 她热泪盈眶。【牛津词典】 41、 Tears brimmed in her eyes. 42、 她热泪盈眶。【牛津词典】 43、 The team were brimming with confidence before the game. 44、 该队在赛前信心十足。【牛津词典】 45、 (figurative)Her heart was brimming over with happiness. 46、 她心中洋溢着幸福。【牛津词典】 47、 Rain dripped from the brim of his baseball cap. 48、 雨水从他的棒球帽帽檐上滴落。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 49、 ...a flat black hat with a wide brim. 50、 宽边平顶黑礼帽【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 51、 England are brimming with confidence after two straight wins in the tournament. 52、 英格兰队在锦标赛中连赢两场后信心大增。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 53、 Michael looked at him imploringly, eyes brimming with tears. 54、 迈克尔满怀乞求地看着他,两眼泪汪汪的。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 55、 The flowerbeds brim with a mixture of lilies and roses. 56、 花坛里长满了百合和玫瑰。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 57、 Richard filled her glass right up to the brim... 58、 理查德给她倒了满满一杯。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 59、 The toilet was full to the brim with insects. 60、 厕所里爬满了虫子。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 61、 Her heart beat so fast and she was full to the brim with joy. 62、 她心跳加快,满心喜悦。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 63、 He filled the glass to the brim. 64、 他将杯子斟得满满的.【辞典例句】 65、 Better spare at brim than at bottom. 66、 常将有日思无日,莫待无时思有时.【期刊摘选】 67、 You brim our cup with kindness here. 68、 你对我们真是热情到了极点.【期刊摘选】 69、 Your eyes widen and brim with tears. 70、 你睁大了眼睛,眼眶中充满了泪水.【期刊摘选】 71、 At last the water rose the brim, Then the smile crow drank water happily and smiled. 72、 最后,水终于长到了罐口了, 小乌鸦高兴地喝着水,笑了.【期刊摘选】 73、 She laughed unwillingly, and the laughing reflection under the green brim decided her instantly. 74、 "她勉强笑笑,可是一起见镜子里那绿帽檐底下的笑影便立即下决心了.【飘(部分)】 75、 The wide brim of her hat protected her face from the sun. 76、 她帽子的宽缘保护她的脸免于受日晒.【期刊摘选】 77、 We brim over with sympathy after she told us her sad story. 78、 她告诉我们她的悲苦身世后,我们对她深表同情.【《现代英汉综合大词典》】 79、 At last the water rose the brim the small crow drank water happily and smiled. 80、 最后,水终于升到罐口了,小乌鸦高兴地喝着水,笑了.【期刊摘选】 81、 We all wish our life brim with excitement. 82、 我们都希望生活中充满兴奋刺激.【期刊摘选】 83、 Brim ligulate flower, show white, pink, violet or blue. 84、 边缘舌状花, 呈白.粉. 紫或蓝色.【期刊摘选】 85、 Students also benefit from learning something about coding before they get to college, where introductory computer-science classes are packed to the brim, which can drive the less-experienced or-determined students away.【2016年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ】

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