
发布于 2023-11-03 14:14:47      浏览 215



1、 spawn 2、 音标:英 [spɔːn] 美 [spɔn] 3、 解释: 4、 n. 卵;菌丝;产物 5、 vt. 产卵;酿成,造成;大量生产 6、 vi. 产卵;大量生产 7、 助记提示: 8、 1. expand => spawn. 9、 2. Spawn is ultimately the same word as expand, and etymologically it denotes the 'spreading out' of a fish's eggs by its shedding them into the water. 10、 中文词源: 11、 spawn 产卵,引发,导致来自盎格鲁法语 espaundre,来自古法语 espandre,展开,播洒,产卵,来自拉丁语 expandere, 展开,词源同 expand.引申比喻义引发,导致等。拼写比较 spouse,sponsor. 12、 英文词源: 13、 spawn 14、 spawn: [14] Spawn is ultimately the same word as expand, and etymologically it denotes the ‘spreading out’ of a fish’s eggs by its shedding them into the water. The word comes from espaundre, an Anglo-Norman variant of Old French espandre ‘spread, shed’. This was descended from Latin expandere ‘spread out’ (source of English expand [15]), a compound verb formed from the prefix ex- ‘out’ and pandere ‘spread’. 15、 => expand 16、 spawn (v.) 17、 c. 1400, intransitive, from Anglo-French espaundre, Old French espandre "to spread out, pour out, scatter, strew, spawn (of fish)" (Modern French épandre), from Latin expandere (see expand). The notion is of a "spreading out" of fish eggs released in water. The transitive meaning "to engender, give rise to" is attested from 1590s. Related: Spawned; spawning. 18、 spawn (n.) 19、 late 15c., "fish eggs," from spawn (v.); figurative sense of "brood, offspring," and, insultingly, of persons, is from 1580s. 20、 双语例句: 21、 1. You young devil's spawn! 22、 你这小鬼! 23、 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》 24、 2. Sometimes social conditions spawn great numbers of communal groups. 25、 有时,社会状况酿成了一批共同群体. 26、 来自辞典例句 27、 3. The fish were madly pushing their way upstream to spawn. 28、 鱼群为产卵而疯狂地向上游挤进. 29、 来自辞典例句 30、 4. Abilities ( costs per use ); spawn ammo crates , spawn demo drones. 31、 付费技能:制造弹药箱, 制造爆破机器人. 32、 来自互联网 33、 5. Any flower placed indoors, however, obviously cannot spawn new flowers. 34、 任何花在屋里安置, 不过, 显而易见不能大量生产新花. 35、 来自互联网 36、 更多相关例句: 37、 The band's album spawned a string of hit singles. 38、 这支乐队的专辑繁衍出一连串走红的单曲唱片。【牛津词典】 39、 ...her passion for collecting frog spawn. 40、 她对采集蛙卵的热爱【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 41、 species like salmon and trout which go upstream, spawn and then die... 42、 诸如鲑鱼和鳟鱼这样洄游产卵后死去的鱼类【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 43、 The toads have settled in and accepted the pond as a good spawning ground. 44、 蟾蜍已经在这个池塘里住下来了,把这里当成了理想的产卵地。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 45、 Tyndall's inspired work spawned a whole new branch of science... 46、 由廷德尔富有创见的著作发展出了一个崭新的科学分支。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 47、 He wrote 54 crime novels, which spawned both movies and television shows. 48、 他写了 54 部侦探小说,很多被改编成了电影和电视剧。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 49、 Popular TV shows routinely spawn DVDs, toys, websites, computer games, board games and comics. 50、 广受欢迎的电视节目照例会大量炮制DVD 、 玩具 、 网站 、 电脑游戏 、 桌面游戏及漫画.【期刊摘选】 51、 Many sea fishes spawn in rivers. 52、 许多海洋鱼类是在淡水河里产卵的.【期刊摘选】 53、 You young devil's spawn! 54、 你这小鬼!【《现代英汉综合大词典》】 55、 Abilities ( costs per use ); spawn ammo crates , spawn demo drones. 56、 付费技能:制造弹药箱, 制造爆破机器人.【期刊摘选】 57、 Any flower placed indoors, however, obviously cannot spawn new flowers. 58、 任何花在屋里安置, 不过, 显而易见不能大量生产新花.【期刊摘选】 59、 Rally Points are dynamic spawn points created by the Squad Leaders for each particular squad. 60、 接力重生点是由小队长为他的小队设置的移动重生点.【期刊摘选】 61、 They could induce oysters to spawn not only in the summer also in the fall. 62、 他们可以诱使牡蛎不仅在夏天还在秋天产卵.【期刊摘选】 63、 You spawn right next to the enemy tank. 64、 你的重生点刚好在敌军坦克旁!【期刊摘选】 65、 Guided by their sense of smell, they will return in a few years to spawn. 66、 有它们灵敏的嗅觉作向导, 它们将在几年以后回到这里继续繁衍.【期刊摘选】 67、 All Necromancer pets now play a spawn animation when they are summoned. 68、 现在所有的死灵宠物发挥产卵动画当他们被传唤.【期刊摘选】 69、 Some fish, like salmon , may be prevented from swimming upstream to spawn. 70、 一些鱼类, 例如大马哈鱼, 可能因此无法溯流产卵.【期刊摘选】 71、 In southern England, frogs have started to spawn and autumn leaves have failed to fall. 72、 在南英国, 青蛙开始大量产卵,而秋天无法落叶.【期刊摘选】 73、 Grizzly bears gather at prime fishing spots during the summer, when salmon run upstream to spawn. 74、 夏天, 鲑鱼会洄游到上游去产卵,于是灰熊就在这条路线上找一个最好的位置呆着捕鱼吃.【期刊摘选】 75、 Fixed Zombies continuing to spawn when the game is over. 76、 修正了小僵尸在游戏结束后还不断被召唤出来.【期刊摘选】 77、 The salmon swims upstream to spawn. 78、 这条鲑鱼游到上游去产卵.【期刊摘选】 79、 How can you spawn, seek and seize and opportunities? 80、 怎样才能创造 、 寻找并抓住机遇?【期刊摘选】 81、 And there is concern it could spawn tornadoes and flooding. 82、 也可以关注飓风和洪水产生.【期刊摘选】 83、 The fish were madly pushing their way upstream to spawn. 84、 鱼群为产卵而疯狂地向上游挤进.【辞典例句】 85、 Spawn video: First time try for 10 min long video, 40 % compression did acceptable? 86、 以大欺小,压到敌军门口的片.第1次试10分钟长的片, 压缩量比正常多40%.可接受 吗 ?【期刊摘选】 87、 Rare items will now always spawn with three or more affixes if possible. 88、 如果可能的话,现在罕见项目将用三个或更多附加物总是大量繁殖.【期刊摘选】 89、 Fixed a bug where too many werewolves were to spawn on the island. 90、 修复狼人岛太多狼人的错误.【期刊摘选】 91、 First did a chest even spawn at all? 92、 首先,宝箱是否甚至会进行再生?【期刊摘选】 93、 Its abilities include a limited mind control, aoe damage spell and can spawn Infested Terrans. 94、 它的技能包括有限的心灵控制 、 范围伤害法术以及产卵孵化感染机枪兵.【期刊摘选】

上一篇:spavin的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:spay的翻译与解释是什么


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