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1、 column 2、 音标:英 ['kɒləm] 美 ['kɑləm] 3、 解释: 4、 n. 纵队,列;专栏;圆柱,柱形物 5、 中文词源: 6、 column 柱子,列来自PIE*kel, 伸出,柱子,词源同hill. -mn, 名词后缀。 7、 英文词源: 8、 column 9、 column: [15] The notion underlying column is of ‘height, command, extremity’. It comes, via Old French colomne, from Latin columna ‘pillar’, which was probably a derivative of columen, culmen ‘top, summit’ (from which English also gets culminate). It goes back ultimately to a base *kol-, *kel-, distant ancestor of English excel and hill. The word’s application to vertical sections of printed matter dates from the 15th century, but its transference to that which is written (as in ‘write a weekly newspaper column’) is a 20thcentury development. 10、 => culminate, excel, hill 11、 column (n.) 12、 mid-15c., "vertical division of a page," also "a pillar, post," from Old French colombe (12c., Modern French colonne "column, pillar"), from Latin columna "pillar," collateral form of columen "top, summit," from PIE root *kel- (4) "to project, be prominent" (see hill). Sense of "matter written for a newspaper" dates from 1785. 13、 双语例句: 14、 1. She also writes a regular column for the Times Educational Supplement. 15、 她也定期为《泰晤士报高等教育增刊》写专栏文章。 16、 来自柯林斯例句 17、 2. Word went out that a column of tanks was on its way. 18、 有消息说一队坦克已经出动了。 19、 来自柯林斯例句 20、 3. I ghosted his weekly rugby column for the Telegraph. 21、 我为他代写《电讯报》每周的橄榄球专栏。 22、 来自柯林斯例句 23、 4. We had stupidly been looking at the wrong column of figures. 24、 我们稀里糊涂,看串了数字栏。 25、 来自柯林斯例句 26、 5. A dense column of smoke rose several miles into the air. 27、 一股浓烟升到了几英里的高空。 28、 来自柯林斯例句 29、 更多相关例句: 30、 a long column of troops and tanks 31、 部队和坦克的长列纵队【牛津词典】 32、 to add up a column of figures 33、 把纵行数字相加【牛津词典】 34、 a column of text 35、 一栏正文【牛津词典】 36、 a dictionary with two columns per page 37、 每页有两栏正文的字典【牛津词典】 38、 Put a mark in the appropriate column. 39、 在适当的栏里标上记号。【牛津词典】 40、 Their divorce filled a lot of column inches in the national papers (= got a lot of attention) . 41、 他们的离婚引起了多家全国性报纸的关注。【牛津词典】 42、 the gossip/financial column 43、 漫谈 / 财经专栏【牛津词典】 44、 I always read her column in the local paper. 45、 我一直读她在当地报纸上的专栏文章。【牛津词典】 46、 a column of smoke (= smoke rising straight up) 47、 烟柱【牛津词典】 48、 The temple is supported by marble columns. 49、 这座庙宇由大理石柱支撑。【牛津词典】 50、 Nelson's Column in London 51、 伦敦的纳尔逊纪念碑【牛津词典】 52、 ...a London landmark, Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square. 53、 伦敦的标志性建筑,特拉法尔加广场上的纳尔逊将军纪念柱【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 54、 The explosion sent a column of smoke thousands of feet into the air. 55、 爆炸在空中形成了几千英尺高的烟柱。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 56、 There were reports of columns of military vehicles appearing on the streets. 57、 有报道说几队军用车辆出现在街头。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 58、 We had stupidly been looking at the wrong column of figures... 59、 我们稀里糊涂,看串了数字栏。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 60、 In The Dictionary of Quotations, there are no fewer than one and a half columns devoted to 'kiss'. 61、 在《引语词典》中,“亲吻”这一条目不下一栏半。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 62、 His name features frequently in the social columns of the tabloid newspapers... 63、 他的名字频繁地出现在各种小报社会专栏的显著位置上。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 64、 She also writes a regular column for the Times Educational Supplement. 65、 她也定期为《泰晤士报高等教育增刊》写专栏文章。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 66、 Above all , the CUSTOMS SEAL number is the column should be filled in. 67、 除此以外海关铅封号也是必需填写的项目.【期刊摘选】 68、 In the shortcut menu that appears next to the glyph, select the Add Column item. 69、 在标志符号旁显示的快捷菜单上选择“添加列”项.【期刊摘选】 70、 You are now reading the left hand column of this page. 71、 你们正在读这一页的左栏.【辞典例句】 72、 According to introducing, on gate and window column is to be student people safe consider. 73、 据介绍, 铁门和窗户上的护栏是为学员们的安全着想.【期刊摘选】 74、 Alert readers may have noticed the misprint in last week's column. 75、 细心的读者可能已经注意到上周专栏中的印刷错误了.【《简明英汉词典》】 76、 Subheads should be placed in the middle of the column. 77、 小标题一律居中.【《现代汉英综合大词典》】 78、 I often read his column in the local paper. 79、 我经常在当地的报纸上看到他的专栏文章.【《简明英汉词典》】 80、 Whatever you do, work hard at it and don't try to dodge the column. 81、 无论做什么事, 都要努力去做,别偷懒.【《简明英汉词典》】 82、 Add up the figures in this column. 83、 把这一栏的数字合计一下.【《现代汉英综合大词典》】 84、 She angled her column of chitchat toward teenagers. 85、 她的漫谈栏侧重于十几岁的青少年.【《现代英汉综合大词典》】 86、 A column of soldiers marched down the highway. 87、 一个士兵纵队沿着公路行进.【《简明英汉词典》】 88、 I thought it was quite interesting, but I don't quite understand the column entitled change.【出自-2010年6月听力原文】 89、 It has all the information on local events within the column code area.【2018年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B】 90、 When the molten rock of the earth’s core forced its way to the surface to form the throat of a volcano, as the centuries passed, the rock cooled and hardened, shrinkingand cracking into long columns.【出自-2016年12月听力原文】 91、 Rising more than 1,000 feet in the middle of the gently rolling plains of Wyoming, the massive column of rock looks as though it was dropped down into this location from a different time and place.【出自-2016年12月听力原文】 92、 Which means that a few years from now, a robot could be writing this column.【出自-2012年12月阅读原文】 93、 Look for New York in the left-hand column and follow it across until you find the hour listed in the Boston column.【出自-2014年6月听力原文】 94、 rising more than 1, 000 feet in the middle of the gently rolling plains of Wyoming, the massive column of rock looks as though it was dropped down into this location from a different time and place.【2016年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section B】 95、 It was only after I started to write a weekly column about the medical journals, and began to read scientific papers from beginning to end, that I realised just how bad much of the medical literature frequently was.【2020年考研真题(英语一)翻译 Section Ⅲ】

上一篇:Columbus的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:columnar的翻译与解释是什么


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