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1、 reverberation 2、 音标:英 [rɪ,vɜːbə'reɪʃn] 美 [rɪ,vɝbə'reʃən] 3、 解释: 4、 n. [声] 混响;反射;反响;回响 5、 英文词源: 6、 reverberation (n.) 7、 late 14c., "reflection of light or heat," from Old French reverberacion "great flash of light; intense quality," from Medieval Latin reverberationem (nominative reverberatio), noun of action from past participle stem of Latin reverberare "beat back, strike back, repel, cause to rebound," from re- "back" (see re-) + verberare "to strike, to beat," from verber "whip, lash, rod," related to verbena "leaves and branches of laurel," from PIE *werb- "to turn, bend" (see warp (v.)). Sense of "an echo" is attested from 1620s. 8、 双语例句: 9、 1. Jason heard the reverberation of the slammed door. 10、 贾森听到了门砰然关上的回响。 11、 来自柯林斯例句 12、 2. Just before dawn he was assisted in waking by the abnormal reverberation of familiar music. 13、 在天将破晓的时候,他被一阵熟悉的,然而却又是反常的回声惊醒了. 14、 来自辞典例句 15、 3. At last, the actuality of the Reverberation - Chamber technology and its applications introduced. 16、 最后介绍了混波室技术的现状和可能的应用,供有关技术人员进行参考. 17、 来自互联网 18、 4. Therefore need to select one of the best reverberation time. 19、 因此需要选择一个最佳混响时间. 20、 来自互联网 21、 5. Therefore, this thesis attempts to develop reverberation chambers to evaluate antenna's efficiency. 22、 因此本论文利用回声实验室做天线效率评估,开发出两版回声实验室. 23、 来自互联网 24、 更多相关例句: 25、 The move by the two London colleges is sending reverberations through higher education. 26、 伦敦两所高校的举动给高等教育界带来了深远的影响。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 27、 Jason heard the reverberation of the slammed door. 28、 贾森听到了门砰然关上的回响。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 29、 Therefore need to select one of the best reverberation time. 30、 因此需要选择一个最佳混响时间.【期刊摘选】 31、 Traditional Methods : To measure absorption coefficient are standing wave tube and reverberation which have some shortcomings. 32、 传统的吸声系数测量方法主要有驻波管法和混响室法,而驻波管法和混响室法都存在着一些缺陷.【期刊摘选】 33、 Professional lavel 24 BIT DSP reverberation echo clrcie 4 types of singing mode cound be selected. 34、 专业级24BIT数码DSP混响回声电路,四种演唱模式可供选择.【期刊摘选】 35、 In sound recording , interference , such as ambient noise and reverberation, degrade the quality. 36、 录音时, 环境噪声和回响之类的干扰使录音质量劣化.【期刊摘选】 37、 Lonely reverberation in city Not helps looks is only having own nighttime sky. 38、 孤单的回荡在城市之中无助的望著只有自己的夜空.【期刊摘选】 39、 Therefore, this thesis attempts to develop reverberation chambers to evaluate antenna's efficiency. 40、 因此本论文利用回声实验室做天线效率评估,开发出两版回声实验室.【期刊摘选】 41、 We introduce reverberation chamber and it's features in size, shielding material and paddles. 42、 从结构尺寸 、 屏蔽材料、搅拌器等方面,介绍大型混响室的技术特殊性.【期刊摘选】 43、 Particular notions of space serve as tools for thought and action while being time their reverberation. 44、 具体的空间概念被视为思想和活动的工具,而同时也是其折射.【期刊摘选】 45、 For active homing system of torpedo, the reverberation is the dominating interference in shallow water. 46、 对于鱼雷主动自导系统, 在浅海环境下混响是其主要的背景干扰.【期刊摘选】 47、 Reverberation time and indoor construction are the determining factors. 48、 混响时间和房内结构等是对音质产生影响的重要因素.【期刊摘选】 49、 The lower window shows the calculated reverberation times table for the upper frequency range. 50、 下面的视窗显示了高频率的混响时间表.【期刊摘选】 51、 Sound absorption materials is always used in controlling reverberation time in the acoustical design of studios. 52、 对演播厅混响时间的控制,在声学设计上往往通过安装吸声材料来实现.【期刊摘选】 53、 If suitable reverberation is added to the signal ? the effect can be eliminated to some extent. 54、 而通过加混响信号使声像有深度感,可在一定程度上起到改善的作用.【期刊摘选】 55、 A diagnosis approach for detecting frame structure damages, based on the reverberation matrix method is investigated. 56、 利用回传射线矩阵法,本文对方波脉冲作用下的框架结构进行损伤诊断研究.【期刊摘选】 57、 Just before dawn he was assisted in waking by the abnormal reverberation of familiar music. 58、 在天将破晓的时候,他被一阵熟悉的,然而却又是反常的回声惊醒了.【辞典例句】 59、 This paper studied Adjustable Reverberation Time ( ART ) deeply by tracing and synthetizing internal and overseas current corelativeinformation. 60、 本文是在厅堂 可变 混响的基础上,追踪国内外相关资料,对现有可变混响进行深入的研究.【期刊摘选】 61、 This is known as reverberation. 62、 这个现象被成为回响.【期刊摘选】 63、 Reverberation time is one of the important objective parameters for evaluating acoustics in concert halls. 64、 混响时间是厅堂音质评价中的一个重要客观参量.【期刊摘选】 65、 Jason heard the reverberation of the slammed door. 66、 贾森听到了门砰然关上的回响。【柯林斯例句】

上一篇:reverberate的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:revere的翻译与解释是什么


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