
发布于 2023-05-15 02:28:33      浏览 383



1、 animator 2、 音标:英 ['ænɪmeɪtə] 美 ['ænə'metɚ] 3、 解释: 4、 n. 鼓舞者;赋与生气者;卡通片绘制者(等于animater) 5、 英文词源: 6、 animator (n.) 7、 1630s, "one who enlivens or inspires," from Latin animator, agent noun from animare (see animate (v.)). Cinematographic sense is from 1919. 8、 双语例句: 9、 1. He was for several years the main prop and animator of Roosevelt himself. 10、 他有几年是罗斯福本人的主要支持者和鼓舞者. 11、 来自辞典例句 12、 2. Simplicity enables the animator to create a more clear performance as well. 13、 简单性让动画师创造出更加明确的动作表演. 14、 来自互联网 15、 3. I watched an animator fiddle with the virtual star. 16、 我看着一个动画师摆弄这个虚拟明星. 17、 来自互联网 18、 4. An animator has to be able to convey this with a character. 19、 一个动画师则必需要可以把这些转换到角色上. 20、 来自互联网 21、 5. Fire is the life force and animator which enlivens the dream. 22、 火元素是生命力和赋予生气者,它赋予了梦想生命. 23、 来自互联网 24、 更多相关例句: 25、 Simplicity enables the animator to create a more clear performance as well. 26、 简单性让动画师创造出更加明确的动作表演.【互联网】 27、 Fire is the life force and animator which enlivens the dream. 28、 火元素是生命力和赋予生气者,它赋予了梦想生命.【互联网】 29、 Andrew was a famous animator many years ago. 30、 很多年前安德鲁是个著名的卡通片绘制者.【互联网】 31、 This film will be submitted to film festivals and the animator will get full screen credit. 32、 此片将提交给电影节和动画师将获得全屏信贷.【互联网】 33、 When dialogue was needed, the animator simply drew a dialogue balloon as his newspaper counterpart did. 34、 如果需要对话, 动画家会像报纸上那样简单地加上一些对话框.【互联网】 35、 Then there are the shots that the director wants assigned to a particular animator. 36、 然前就会有些镜头导演想要总给特定的动画师来做.【互联网】 37、 Make enough drawings to show the animator what the complete action should be. 38、 用足够的图画向动画师展示完整的动作应该是怎样的.【互联网】 39、 But the face of the toy soldier was still manipulated entirely by an experienced human animator. 40、 不过,玩具的脸仍然完全是由一位经验丰富的动画师人工操纵的.【互联网】 41、 I should also have mentioned that talent alone does not make you a great animator either. 42、 我也应该提到才华本身并不会让你成为了不起的动画师.【互联网】 43、 Iwerks was also the main animator and reportedly spent six weeks working on it. 44、 伊瓦克斯是主要的创作者,据说他为此花费了整整六周.【互联网】

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