
发布于 2023-07-03 16:23:55      浏览 180



1、 dun 2、 音标:英 [dʌn] 美 [dʌn] 3、 解释: 4、 n. 讨债者;催促者 5、 adj. 微暗的;暗褐色的 6、 vt. 催讨 7、 n. (Dun)人名;(英)邓恩 8、 中文词源: 9、 dun 灰褐色的来自PIE*dheu,尘土,烟尘,词源同down, dust. 即尘土色的,灰褐色的。 10、 英文词源: 11、 dun 12、 dun: English has two words dun. The colour adjective, ‘greyish brown’ [OE], comes ultimately from Indo-European *donnos, *dusnos, which is also the source of English dusk. The now rather dated noun, ‘debtcollector’ [17], is an abbreviation of dunkirk, a 17th-century term for a ‘privateer’, a privately owned vessel officially allowed to attack enemy shipping during wartime. 13、 It was originally applied from such privateers that sailed from the port of Dunkirk, on the northern coast of France, to attack British ships, and its connotations of unwarranted piracy soon spread metaphorically to one who was constantly importuning for the repayment of his loan. 14、 => donkey, dusk, obfuscate 15、 dun (v.) 16、 "to insist on payment of debt," 1620s, perhaps related to dunnen "to sound, resound, make a din" (c. 1200, dialectal variant of din), or shortened from dunkirk (c. 1600) "privateer," a private vessel licensed to attack enemy ships during wartime, from Dunkirk, French port from which they sailed. The oldest theory traces it to a Joe Dun, supposedly a London bailiff famous for catching defaulters. Related: Dunned; dunning. As a noun from 1620s. 17、 dun (adj.) 18、 Old English dunn "dingy brown, dark-colored," perhaps from Celtic (compare Old Irish donn "dark;" Gaelic donn "brown, dark;" Welsh dwnn "brownish"), from PIE *donnos, *dusnos "dark." 19、 双语例句: 20、 1. WEN SI DUN 4 lookings at the outside of the gauze curtain absent - mindedly . 21、 温斯顿 心不在焉 地看着薄纱窗帘的外面. 22、 来自互联网 23、 2. Mummy angry with papa, dun want to buy him birthday cake today. 24、 今天是爸爸的生日?妈咪买蛋糕啦! 25、 来自互联网 26、 3. Praise of White Poplar is a famous essay of Mao Dun. 27、 《白杨礼赞》是茅盾先生的散文名篇. 28、 来自互联网 29、 4. Internationally acclaimed composer, Tan Dun conducts his composition , 2000 Passion. 30、 主持人:有请作曲家谭盾指挥演奏《天地与我为一》. 31、 来自互联网 32、 5. Dun & amp ; Bradstreet is the largest mercantile agency in the United States. 33、 丹·布瑞斯追特公司是美国最大的商业征信所. 34、 来自互联网 35、 更多相关例句: 36、 WEN SI DUN 4 lookings at the outside of the gauze curtain absent - mindedly . 37、 温斯顿 心不在焉 地看着薄纱窗帘的外面.【互联网】 38、 Mummy angry with papa, dun want to buy him birthday cake today. 39、 今天是爸爸的生日?妈咪买蛋糕啦!【互联网】 40、 Praise of White Poplar is a famous essay of Mao Dun. 41、 《白杨礼赞》是茅盾先生的散文名篇.【互联网】 42、 Internationally acclaimed composer, Tan Dun conducts his composition , 2000 Passion. 43、 主持人:有请作曲家谭盾指挥演奏《天地与我为一》.【互联网】 44、 Ambiguous as someone ask you you fill in love, you dun say. 45、 暧昧是,别人问你们是否恋爱中, 你张口结舌.【互联网】 46、 Dun's early literary career underwent the change from neo - romanticism back to naturalism. 47、 茅盾早期的文学选择有过从“新浪漫主义”退回“自然主义”的变化.【互联网】 48、 The Orc town of Dun Modr is destroyed. 49、 兽人城市丹摩卓被摧毁.【互联网】 50、 While here the mountain - shadows, broad and dun. 51、 而在此,山峰的倒影, 阴郁而广阔.【互联网】 52、 After Chinese New Year : dun dun dunnnn. 53、 自己想要的.自己去奋斗吧.【互联网】 54、 Sheng YanBing , pen name Mao Dun. 55、 沈雁冰, 笔名茅盾.【互联网】 56、 There , head articles in Chinese newspapers by Ling , Mao Dun, and other friends mourned her death. 57、 中国的报纸以显著地位刊登丁玲 、 茅盾等友人悼念她的文章.【互联网】 58、 This paper discussed the origin , development and evolution characteristics of the Dun Mi fracture belts. 59、 论述了敦密断裂带的发生 、 发展及演化特征.【互联网】 60、 The talk will be moderated by the DUN Teratai assemblywoman - Jenice Lee Ying Ha. 61、 这讲座将由莲花苑州议员李映霞主持.【互联网】 62、 You dun have to change for him, if he love you he will accept your everything. 63、 如果他是真心喜欢你那他会接受你的一切.【互联网】 64、 They take me for a dun , peer out from a coign of vantage. 65、 他们以为讨债的来了, 就从安全的地方朝外窥伺.【互联网】 66、 Featuring adaptations from Chinese and western classic, including works from Chinese academy award - winning composer Tan Dun.【2015年高考英语广东卷 阅读理解 信息匹配 原文】

上一篇:dumpy的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:Duncan的翻译与解释是什么


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