
发布于 2023-06-14 17:43:33      浏览 203



1、 computerized 2、 音标:英 美 [kəm'pjʊtə,raɪzd] 3、 解释: 4、 adj. 电脑的;电脑化的;用电脑处理的 5、 v. 用电子计算机控制(computerize的过去分词) 6、 双语例句: 7、 1. Colonel Hardy would like to see every tank with a computerized aid. 8、 哈迪上校希望看到每辆坦克都配有电脑化辅助装置。 9、 来自柯林斯例句 10、 2. The public registry in Panama City keeps computerized records of all companies. 11、 巴拿马城的公共注册处把所有公司的登记信息都存入了电脑。 12、 来自柯林斯例句 13、 3. the changeover from a manual to a computerized system 14、 由手工操作向计算机化系统的转换 15、 来自《权威词典》 16、 4. The factory has been fully computerized. 17、 这家工厂已完全计算机化了。 18、 来自《权威词典》 19、 5. They have computerized systems to ensure delivery of the right pizza to the right place. 20、 他们已经实现了系统的计算机化,以保证比萨的送货准确无误。 21、 来自柯林斯例句 22、 更多相关例句: 23、 The public registry in Panama City keeps computerized records of all companies. 24、 巴拿马城的公共注册处把所有公司的登记信息都存入了电脑。【柯林斯例句】 25、 the changeover from a manual to a computerized system 26、 由手工操作向计算机化系统的转换【《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》】 27、 The factory has been fully computerized. 28、 这家工厂已完全计算机化了。【《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》】 29、 They have computerized systems to ensure delivery of the right pizza to the right place. 30、 他们已经实现了系统的计算机化,以保证比萨的送货准确无误。【柯林斯例句】 31、 Computerized reservation systems help airline profits in several ways. 32、 电子订票系统通过多种方式帮助航空公司获利。【辞典例句】 33、 Computerized data bases are proliferating fast. 34、 计算机化的数据库正在激增。【辞典例句】 35、 In most computerized systems, there are only two states: nonexistence or full - compliance. 36、 多数计算机系统只有两种状态,即不存在或者全部一致.【About Face 3交互设计精髓】 37、 Banking has become increasingly impersonal due to the introduction of computerized systems. 38、 银行由于引进了电子计算机应用系统后而变得更为非人格化了.【辞典例句】 39、 The accounts section has been completely computerized. 40、 会计科已完全计算机化了.【辞典例句】 41、 Computerized audit routines and crosschecks with state tax records " flag'suspicious returns for further analysis. 42、 电脑化的审计程序及与州税务档案的反复核对亮出可疑收益的 " 信号 " 以作进一步的分析.【英汉非文学 - 行政法】 43、 Our booking system has been completely computerized. 44、 我们的预订系统已经全部计算化了.【英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语】 45、 Applicable industries: advertisement, arts and crafts leather, toys, garments, model, building upholster, computerized embroidery and clipping, packaging and paper industry. 46、 适用行业: 广告, 工艺品,皮革, 玩具, 服装, 模型, 建筑装潢, 电脑绣花裁剪, 包装业和纸业.【互联网】 47、 Practical system includes three modules: basic skills, manual operation and computerized operation. 48、 实训体系包括三大模块, 即 基本技能 、 手工操作、电算化操作.【互联网】 49、 A . First, notice that the controls on the dashboard are all computerized. 50、 首先, 您注意一下仪表板上的控制器都是电脑化的.【互联网】 51、 To strengthen the computerized construction of inspection and quarantine. 52、 加强检验检疫信息化建设.【互联网】 53、 A growing number of Americans are seeing the accumulation and distribution of computerized date as a frightening invasion of their privacy.【出自-2013年6月听力原文】 54、 After four months, the patients using the computerized CBT programs had no improvement in over the patients who were only getting usual care from their doctors.【2019年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C】 55、 But the most cutting-edge tool under development is the "teachable agent" —a computerized character who learns, tries, makes mistakes and asks questions just like a real-world pupil.【2018年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C】 56、 The patients were split into three groups: one group received only usual care from a physician while the other two groups received usual care from a physician plus one of two computerized CBT programs.【2019年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C】 57、 In his latest experiment, published online in August, Steinberg and his colleagues used a computerized version of a card game called the Iowa Gambling Task to investigate how the presence of peers affects the way young people gather and apply information.【2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B】 58、 Subjects played a computerized driving game in which the player must avoid crashing into a wall that materializes, without warning, on the roadway.【2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B】

上一篇:computerize的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:comrade的翻译与解释是什么


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