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1、 domestic 2、 音标:英 [də'mestɪk] 美 [də'mɛstɪk] 3、 解释: 4、 adj. 国内的;家庭的;驯养的;一心只管家务的 5、 n. 国货;佣人 6、 中文词源: 7、 domestic 本国的来自拉丁语domus, 家,词源同domain. 即家里面的,本国的。 8、 英文词源: 9、 domestic 10、 domestic: [16] Domestic comes, via French domestique, from Latin domesticus, a derivative of domus ‘house’. This can be traced back to an Indo-European *domo-, *domu-, which was also the source of Greek dómos and Sanskrit dama- ‘house’, and goes back in its turn to a base *dem-, *dom- ‘build’ which gave rise to English daunt, tame, timber, and probably despot. A further derivative of domus is domicile [15], from Latin domicilium ‘dwelling-place’, and it is also the ultimate source of the wide range of English words (dominate, dominion, etc) based immediately on Latin dominus ‘master’. 11、 => dame, daunt, dome, dominion, tame, timber 12、 domestic (adj.) 13、 early 15c., from Middle French domestique (14c.) and directly from Latin domesticus "belonging to the household," from domus "house," from PIE *dom-o- "house," from root *dem- "house, household" (cognates: Sanskrit damah "house;" Avestan demana- "house;" Greek domos "house," despotes "master, lord;" Latin dominus "master of a household;" Old Church Slavonic domu, Russian dom "house;" Lithuanian dimstis "enclosed court, property;" Old Norse topt "homestead"). 14、 It represents the usual Indo-European word for "house" (Italian, Spanish casa are from Latin casa "cottage, hut;" Germanic *hus is of obscure origin). The noun meaning "household servant" is 1530s (a sense also found in Old French domestique). Domestics, originally "articles of home manufacture," is attested from 1620s. Related: Domestically. Domestic violence is attested from 19c. as "revolution and insurrection;" 1977 as "spouse abuse, violence in the home." 15、 双语例句: 16、 1. And what of the effect on U.S domestic opinion? 17、 对美国国内的舆论有什么影响? 18、 来自柯林斯例句 19、 2. A special dispensation may be obtained from the domestic union concerned. 20、 从国内相关的工会那儿或许能得到一项特许。 21、 来自柯林斯例句 22、 3. As the domestic market becomes saturated, firms begin to export the product. 23、 由于国内市场饱和,各公司开始外销。 24、 来自柯林斯例句 25、 4. The house is a textbook example of medieval domestic architecture. 26、 这所房子是典型的中世纪民居。 27、 来自柯林斯例句 28、 5. Because of the slump in domestic demand, production has stopped. 29、 由于国内需求大幅下降,生产已经停止。 30、 来自柯林斯例句 31、 更多相关例句: 32、 domestically produced goods 33、 本国产品【牛津词典】 34、 The police were called to sort out a domestic. 35、 已叫警察来解决家庭纠纷。【牛津词典】 36、 I'm not a very domestic sort of person. 37、 我不是那种很喜欢待在家里的人。【牛津词典】 38、 domestic help (= help with the work in a house; the person or people who do this work) 39、 家务帮助;家佣【牛津词典】 40、 domestic service (= the work of a servant in a large house) 41、 家政服务【牛津词典】 42、 domestic appliances 43、 家用器具【牛津词典】 44、 domestic chores 45、 家务琐事【牛津词典】 46、 the growing problem of domestic violence (= violence between members of the same family) 47、 日趋严重的家庭暴力问题【牛津词典】 48、 domestic affairs/politics 49、 国内事务 / 政治【牛津词典】 50、 domestic flights (= to and from places within a country) 51、 国内航班【牛津词典】 52、 Output consists of both exports and sales on the domestic market. 53、 产量包括出口和国内市场销售两部分。【牛津词典】 54、 ...over 100 domestic flights a day to 15 UK destinations. 55、 每天超过100架次国内航班飞往英国境内15个目的地【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 56、 ...sales in the domestic market. 57、 国内市场的销售量【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 58、 ...a plan for sharing domestic chores. 59、 分担家务活的计划【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 60、 ...domestic appliances. 61、 家用器具【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 62、 It was a scene of such domestic bliss... 63、 这是一幅家庭如此幸福的画面。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 64、 I was called out to attend a domestic dispute. 65、 我被叫出去解决一场家庭纠纷。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 66、 She was kind and domestic and put her family before her part-time job. 67、 她人很好也顾家,把家庭看得比兼职工作更为重要。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 68、 ...a domestic cat. 69、 家猫【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 70、 During that time, she so gained my aunt's confidence that she was put in charge of the domestic staff. 71、 在这期间, 她得到了我姑姑如此的信任,结果被委任为家仆的负责人.【《用法词典》】 72、 The Fourth of July domestic culinary pyromania is followed by community pyrotechnics. 73、 七月四日,人们在家里食完人间烟火,接下去就是社区的烟花会.【《简明英汉词典》】 74、 It may be so in theory, but how will it work in practice? 75、 理论上也许是如此, 但是在实际上怎样才能行得通 呢 ?【期刊摘选】 76、 She does the domestic affairs every day. 77、 她每天都忙家务.【《简明英汉词典》】 78、 Don't waste time on domestic trivialities. 79、 不要在家常琐事上浪费时间.【《现代汉英综合大词典》】 80、 The slowdown in domestic demand was offset by an increase in exports. 81、 国内需求放缓和出口增长互相抵消了.【《简明英汉词典》】 82、 The government bought up the whole domestic rubber crop. 83、 政府买进国产的全部橡胶.【《现代汉英综合大词典》】 84、 I am worn out with domestic worries. 85、 我被家庭里的烦恼事弄得疲惫不堪.【《简明英汉词典》】 86、 He could do his work in life efficiently with a background of domestic comforts. 87、 安逸的家庭环境使他能够有效地从事他的事业.【《简明英汉词典》】 88、 To lower domestic food prices, some countries limited or stopped their grain exports.【出自-2016年6月阅读原文】 89、 The trend began in 2007, when leading wheat-exporting countries such as Russia and Argentina limited or banned their exports, in hopes of increasing local food supplies and thereby bringing down domestic food prices.【出自-2016年6月阅读原文】 90、 Parents and students who have invested heavily in higher education worry about graduates' job prospects as technological advances and changes in domestic and global markets transform professions in ways that reduce wages and cut jobs.【出自-2014年6月阅读原文】 91、 To what extent are Americans really willing to endure the environmental impacts of domestic energy production in order to cut back imports【出自-2014年6月阅读原文】 92、 The government now backs up the domestic car industry, lending it money and overseeing its turnaround plans.【出自-2013年6月阅读原文】 93、 Believe it or not, that's the number of Americans who struggle with hanger To make tomorrow a little better, Feeding America, the nation's largest domestic hunger-relief organization, has chosen September as Hunger Action Month.【出自-2012年6月阅读原文】 94、 But global warming has raised the possibility that domestic produce could be seriously affected by rare weather events more often.【2018年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A】 95、 In a recent experiment, Japanese researchers taped 30 domestic cats reacting to a container that a team member shook.【2018年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C】 96、 The 2016 season runs through June and features sessions facilitated by everyone from dancers to domestic workers.【2019年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C】 97、 The International Monetary Fund calculates that countries can generate substantial fiscal revenues by eliminating fossil fuel subsidies and levying carbon charges that capture the domestic damage caused by emissions.【出自-2017年6月阅读原文】 98、 In order to maximize global welfare, every country's carbon pricing should reflect not only the purely domestic damage from emissions, but also the damage to foreign countries.【出自-2017年6月阅读原文】 99、 She borrowed the principle of efficiency on the factory floor and applied it to domestic tasks on the kitchen floor.【出自-2016年6月阅读原文】 100、 Whether it is a transition from imported to domestic oil or from coal-powered electricity production to natural-gas power plants, politicians love to talk big.【出自-2015年12月阅读原文】 101、 The decline started in the 1950s, when manufacturing generated a sturdy 28% of the national income, or gross domestic product, and employed one-third of the workforce.【出自-2013年6月阅读原文】 102、 It constituted 28% of the gross domestic product【出自-2013年6月阅读原文】 103、 By 1973, domestic US sources of oil were peaking, and the nation was importing more of its oil, depending on a constant flow from abroad to keep cars on the road and machines running.【出自-2013年6月阅读原文】 104、 These included developing additional domestic sources (such as those on Alaska's North Slope), resuming extraction at sites that had been shut down because of cost inefficiency, capping the price that domestic producers could charge for oil, and beginning to import oil from a greater diversity of nations.【出自-2013年6月阅读原文】 105、 To stimulate domestic consumption【出自-2013年6月阅读原文】 106、 US gross domestic product has climbed back to pre-recession levels, meaning we're producing as much as before, only with 6% fewer workers.【出自-2012年12月阅读原文】 107、 billion in the month, are subtracted in the calculation of gross domestic product.【出自-2011年12月阅读原文】 108、 economy is slack domestic consumer demand【出自-2011年12月阅读原文】 109、 It is the result of America's growing focus on domestic market.【出自-2011年12月阅读原文】 110、 It signals decreasing domestic demand for goods and services【出自-2011年12月阅读原文】 111、 In fact, by some estimates, the value of parental investments in children, investments of time and money (including lost wages), is equal to 20-30% of gross domestic product.【出自-2010年6月阅读原文】 112、 They would endanger domestic animals.【出自-2013年12月听力原文】 113、 In 2015, gaming produced $23.5 billion in domestic revenue.【2019年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C】 114、 When Elon Musk says that his new priority is using artificial intelligence to build domestic robots, we should look forward to the day in admiration.【2018年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section A】 115、 At any rate, this change will ultimately be acclaimed by an ever-growing number of both domestic and international consumers, regardless of how long the current consumer pattern will take hold.【出自-2010年考研阅读原文】 116、 First two hours , now three hours—this is how far in advance authorities are recommending people show up to catch a domestic flight , at least at some major U.airports with increasingly massive security lines.【出自-2017年考研阅读原文】 117、 Children were not colour-coded at all until the early 20th century: in the era before domestic washing machines all babies wore white as a practical matter, since the only way of getting clothes clean was to boil them.【2012年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ】 118、 first two hours, now three hours一this is how far in advance authorities are recommending people show up to catch a domestic flight, at least at some major U.S. airports with increas】

上一篇:dome的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:domesticate的翻译与解释是什么


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