
发布于 2023-08-26 23:07:35      浏览 107



1、 Lombard 2、 音标:英 ['lɔmbəd; 'lʌm-] 美 3、 解释: 4、 n. 放债者;银行家;(意大利)伦巴第族人 5、 adj. 伦巴族人的;伦巴第语的 6、 英文词源: 7、 Lombard (n.) 8、 from Late Latin Langobardus, proper name of a Germanic people who conquered Italy 6c. and settled in the northern region that became known as Lombardy, from Proto-Germanic Langgobardoz, often said to mean literally "Long-beards," but perhaps rather from *lang- "tall, long" + the proper name of the people (Latin Bardi). Their name in Old English was Langbeardas (plural), but also Heaðobeardan, from heaðo "war." 9、 In Middle English the word meant "banker, money-changer, pawnbroker" (late 14c.), from Old French Lombart "Lombard," also "money-changer; usurer; coward," from Italian Lombardo (from Medieval Latin Lombardus). 10、 Lombards in Middle Ages were notable throughout Western Europe as bankers and money-lenders, also pawn-brokers; they established themselves in France from 13c., especially in Montpellier and Cahors, and London's Lombard Street (c. 1200) originally was the site of the houses of Lombard bankers. French also gave the word in this sense to Middle Dutch and Low German. Lombardy poplar, originally from Italy but planted in North American colonies as an ornamental tree, is attested from 1766. 11、 双语例句: 12、 1. The CSCM - S algorithm proposed by Lombard et al is very attractivefor multidimensional Euler and Navier - Stokes equations. 13、 由Lombard等人提出的CSCM -S 算法是求解Euler及Navier-Stokes方程的高效率方法. 14、 来自互联网 15、 2. Mr. Galfrey happened to be cashing a check at a banking - house in Lombard. 16、 高孚利先生碰巧在仑巴德街上一家银行兑张支票. 17、 来自辞典例句 18、 3. It's Lombard Street to a China orange against Smith winning the scholarship. 19、 史密斯获得奖学金的机会极小. 20、 来自互联网 21、 4. It is Lombard Street to a China orange that John will succeed. 22、 约翰会成功这是十拿九稳的. 23、 来自互联网 24、 5. Lombard paid for most of it. 25、 朗巴德支付了大部分房款. 26、 来自互联网 27、 更多相关例句: 28、 Mr. Galfrey happened to be cashing a check at a banking - house in Lombard. 29、 高孚利先生碰巧在仑巴德街上一家银行兑张支票.【辞典例句】 30、 The CSCM - S algorithm proposed by Lombard et al is very attractivefor multidimensional Euler and Navier - Stokes equations. 31、 由Lombard等人提出的CSCM -S 算法是求解Euler及Navier-Stokes方程的高效率方法.【互联网】 32、 It's Lombard Street to a China orange against Smith winning the scholarship. 33、 史密斯获得奖学金的机会极小.【互联网】 34、 It is Lombard Street to a China orange that John will succeed. 35、 约翰会成功这是十拿九稳的.【互联网】 36、 Lombard paid for most of it. 37、 朗巴德支付了大部分房款.【互联网】 38、 The somewhat shy Lombard , 68, is a former telecoms engineer who delights in playing with technology. 39、 68岁的隆巴尔有些腼腆, 曾经是电信工程师的他,以鼓捣技术为乐.【互联网】 40、 This area was home to Leonardo Da Vinci and Lombard kings who supported him. 41、 意大利是达芬奇和伦巴底国王的故乡.【互联网】 42、 Morning , Sightseeing tour of Golden Gate Bridge , Fisherman Wharf , Lombard Street, Palace of fine Art, etc. 43、 参观著名酒厂, 欣赏田园风光, 品尝葡萄美酒.【互联网】

上一篇:lollygag的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:Lombardic的翻译与解释是什么


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