
发布于 2023-08-07 21:04:49      浏览 102



1、 hypochondria 2、 音标:英 [,haɪpə'kɒndrɪə] 美 ['haɪpə'kɑndrɪə] 3、 解释: 4、 n. 忧郁症;臆想病(hypochondrium的复数) 5、 助记提示: 6、 词源过于专业晦涩,建议谐音成“害怕恐惧啊”——疑病 7、 中文词源: 8、 hypochondria 疑心病,疑病症来自希腊语hupokhondria,腹部软组织,来自hupo,下面,在下,khondros,软骨,胸腔骨,词源同grind,字母r后移。即胸部下面的腹部组织器官,如肝,胆囊,脾等,在古代概念中为情感依存之所,特别是忧郁,疑心等,引申词义忧郁症,疑心病。 9、 英文词源: 10、 hypochondria 11、 hypochondria: [16] Originally, hypochondria was an anatomical term, denoting the ‘area of the abdomen beneath the ribs’. It comes via Latin from Greek hupokhóndrion, a compound noun formed from the prefix hupo- ‘under’ and khóndros ‘cartilage’. This particular part of the body was formerly supposed to be the seat of melancholy, and so in the 17th century the word came to be used for ‘low spirits, depression’. The modern sense ‘belief of being ill’ originally be longed to the derived hypochondriasis [18], but was transferred in the 19th century to hypochondria. 12、 hypochondria (n.) 13、 1839, "illness without a specific cause," earlier (1660s) "depression or melancholy without real cause," earlier still (late 14c.) ipocondrie "upper abdomen," from Late Latin hypochondria "the abdomen," from Greek hypokhondria (neuter plural of hypokhondrios), from hypo- "under" (see sub-) + khondros "cartilage" (of the breastbone); see grind (v.). Reflecting ancient belief that the viscera of the hypochondria were the seat of melancholy and the source of the vapors that caused such feelings. 14、 双语例句: 15、 1. We tend to think of hypochondria as a kind of selfishness. 16、 我们倾向于将强迫症视为某种自私的表现. 17、 来自互联网 18、 2. Doctors in Britain long suspected that patients who wear tinted abnormally prone to depression and hypochondria. 19、 长时间以来,英国的医生认为戴墨镜的病人更易于消沉并患上忧郁症. 20、 来自互联网 21、 更多相关例句: 22、 Doctors in Britain long suspected that patients who wear tinted abnormally prone to depression and hypochondria. 23、 长时间以来,英国的医生认为戴墨镜的病人更易于消沉并患上忧郁症.【期刊摘选】 24、 We tend to think of hypochondria as a kind of selfishness. 25、 我们倾向于将强迫症视为某种自私的表现.【期刊摘选】

上一篇:hypocenter的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:hypochondriac的翻译与解释是什么


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