
发布于 2023-05-08 10:10:02      浏览 293



1、 absentminded 2、 音标:['æbsənt'maindid] 3、 解释: 4、 adj. 心不在焉的;茫然的;神情恍惚的 5、 英文词源: 6、 absentminded (adj.) 7、 also absent-minded, "preoccupied," 1810, from absent + minded. Related: Absentmindedly; absentmindedness. 8、 双语例句: 9、 1. Occasionally he was even rather absentminded and faraway when the bride leaned forward and addressed him. 10、 偶尔,当新娘探身对他说话时,他甚至有点心不在焉和精神恍惚. 11、 来自辞典例句 12、 2. Between the talk, we have kind of absentminded feeling. 13、 谈话间, 我们都有种恍惚之感. 14、 来自互联网 15、 3. Michael looked at her in an absentminded fashion. 16、 迈克尔望着她,表现出心不在焉的样子. 17、 来自互联网 18、 4. I'm sorry teacher, I'm absentminded! he help me. 19、 对不起老师, 我走神了, 他在帮我! 20、 来自互联网 21、 5. Tell him never be absentminded. 22、 告诉他切不可心不在焉. 23、 来自互联网 24、 更多相关例句: 25、 Occasionally he was even rather absentminded and faraway when the bride leaned forward and addressed him. 26、 偶尔,当新娘探身对他说话时,他甚至有点心不在焉和精神恍惚.【辞典例句】 27、 Between the talk, we have kind of absentminded feeling. 28、 谈话间, 我们都有种恍惚之感.【互联网】 29、 Michael looked at her in an absentminded fashion. 30、 迈克尔望着她,表现出心不在焉的样子.【互联网】 31、 I'm sorry teacher, I'm absentminded! he help me. 32、 对不起老师, 我走神了, 他在帮我!【互联网】 33、 Tell him never be absentminded. 34、 告诉他切不可心不在焉.【互联网】 35、 I can not explain such absentminded situation. 36、 你们,特别是姐姐们,一定经常会问,我们该怎么办?【互联网】 37、 Turn a smile that sees the girl again, absentminded also be pink It'seems that. 38、 转头再看女孩的微笑, 恍惚间似乎也是粉红色的了.【互联网】 39、 Shed leaves under the conciliation of a clear sky, gradual thin forget ever absentminded. 40、 落叶在晴天的安抚下, 逐渐淡忘曾经的恍惚.【互联网】

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