
发布于 2023-06-27 17:43:08      浏览 155



1、 diaphragm 2、 音标:英 ['daɪəfræm] 美 ['daɪə'fræm] 3、 解释: 4、 n. 隔膜;快门,[摄] 光圈;横隔膜;隔板 5、 中文词源: 6、 diaphragm 膈膜,光圈来自希腊语diaphragma,阻挡,障碍,dia-, 穿过,-phrag, 阻挡,词源同cataphract. 原指分开喉咙和腹腔之间的肌肉,后也用于指照机的光圈等。 7、 英文词源: 8、 diaphragm 9、 diaphragm: [17] The etymological notion underlying diaphragm is of a sort of ‘fence’ or ‘partition’ within the body. It comes via late Latin diaphragma from Greek diáphragma. This in turn was a derivative of diaphrássein ‘divide off, barricade’, a compound verb formed from the intensive prefix dia- and phrássein ‘fence in, enclose’. Originally in Greek diáphragma was applied to other bodily partitions than that between the thorax and the abdomen – to the septum which divides the two nostrils, for instance. 10、 diaphragm (n.) 11、 late 14c., from Late Latin diaphragma, from Greek diaphragma "partition, barrier, muscle which divides the thorax from the abdomen," from diaphrassein "to barricade," from dia- "across" (see dia-) + phrassein "to fence or hedge in." The native word is midriff. Meaning "contraceptive cap" is from 1933. 12、 双语例句: 13、 1. The diaphragm vibrates , thus setting the air around it in motion. 14、 膜片振动,这使得周围的空气也动荡起来. 15、 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》 16、 2. The diaphragm draws air into the lungs. 17、 横膈膜向下运动让空气进入肺部. 18、 来自《简明英汉词典》 19、 3. A portion of the cardia is demonstrated above the diaphragm. 20、 膈上发现部分贲门. 21、 来自辞典例句 22、 4. Gastric distention may also reduce lung volume by elevating the diaphragm. 23、 胃胀使膈升高也会减少肺的容积. 24、 来自辞典例句 25、 5. It was a terylene diaphragm coated with a layer of aluminum. 26、 它利用一个镀有铝层的涤纶膜片. 27、 来自辞典例句 28、 更多相关例句: 29、 The diaphragm draws air into the lungs. 30、 横膈膜向下运动让空气进入肺部.【《简明英汉词典》】 31、 NOTE: Controle Analytique Inc is buys G . C . diaphragm valves from VALCO company. 32、 注意: CA有限公司 气相色谱的膜片阀来自于VALCO公司.【期刊摘选】 33、 The article analyzes exist quality problems on national turbine welding diaphragm, also puts forward practicable methods. 34、 针对国产汽轮机焊接隔板焊接质量存在的问题,分析产生问题的原因, 并提出解决办法.【期刊摘选】 35、 If on adamancy a diaphragm, if rebuild, want firm? 36、 如果坚强上了一层保护膜, 要如果重建坚强?【期刊摘选】 37、 The structure, operating principle and manufacturing process of double diaphragm direct acting gas regulator are introduced. 38、 介绍了双薄膜直接作用式燃气调压器的结构 、 工作原理及制造工艺.【期刊摘选】 39、 Small diaphragm condenser mics are the usual choice. 40、 小振膜电容麦是通常的选择.【期刊摘选】 41、 Thesis is based on diaphragm gallery driving project of SICHUAN YELE hydroelectric station. 42、 本文以四川冶勒水电站防渗墙廊道掘进作为工程实例和研究背景.【期刊摘选】 43、 In this case, the use a diaphragm should be considered. 44、 既然这样, 应该考虑使用阴道隔膜.【期刊摘选】 45、 Remove the cover and diaphragm. The relief valve piston assembly can be straight up and out. 46、 拆卸阀盖和隔膜. 安全阀活塞总成可以笔直提出到外面来.【期刊摘选】 47、 Needle & check valves metered injector utilizes the diaphragm design for extremely quiet operation. 48、 针 阀 定量注入式并采用膜片设计其运作非常安静.【期刊摘选】 49、 Check for clogged control ports connecting body outlet with diaphragm chamber. 50、 检查堵塞的控制端口,其连接阀体出口与隔膜腔室.【期刊摘选】 51、 The diaphragm was clamped between two support housings. 52、 隔膜被夹紧在两个支承套之间.【辞典例句】 53、 Pneumatic diaphragm pumps and flow the particles adjustable, pipe plug to open automatically when to stop. 54、 气动隔膜泵可通过颗粒且流量可调, 管道堵塞时自动停止至通畅.【期刊摘选】 55、 A positive movement from the sensor will cause an inward movement of the diaphragm. 56、 来自传感器的正向运动将导致膜片向内运动.【辞典例句】 57、 Objective : To evaluate the CT diagnosis in herniated diaphragm and direction of clinical operation. 58、 目的: 探讨膈疝的CT诊断及其临床手术指导价值.【期刊摘选】 59、 Diaphragm valves cannot be repaired or adjusted in the field. 60、 不能在现场修理或调整隔膜阀.【期刊摘选】 61、 The spikes number determined by the no. of diaphragm blades of the lens. 62、 其实,星角的数量取决于镜头光圈叶片数量.【期刊摘选】 63、 The controlled pressure is measured by the diaphragm. 64、 那受约束的压力是标准的被横隔膜.【期刊摘选】 65、 Reflection of a beam of light on the diaphragm falls on a phototransistor. 66、 经膜片反射的光束照射到光敏管上.【辞典例句】 67、 This is why shipping regulations require diaphragm valves on most poisonous gas cylinders. 68、 这正是为什么运输规范要求在大多数有毒气体钢瓶上使用隔膜阀的原因.【期刊摘选】 69、 The diaphragm vibrates , thus setting the air around it in motion. 70、 膜片振动,这使得周围的空气也动荡起来.【《现代汉英综合大词典》】 71、 It was a terylene diaphragm coated with a layer of aluminum. 72、 它利用一个镀有铝层的涤纶膜片.【辞典例句】 73、 Indeed the crystalline diaphragm will give all species a larger torso and stomach regardless of size. 74、 确实,水晶横膈膜将给所有的物种,不管尺寸大小,一个更大的躯干和胃部.【期刊摘选】 75、 Objective To investigate diaphragm intraocularlens implantation in the management of aphakia with traumatic aniridia. 76、 目的探讨眼外伤后无虹膜无晶状体眼的治疗方法.【期刊摘选】 77、 The main valve, globe or angle pattern, is diaphragm actuated, hydraulically operated. 78、 主阀, 截止阀或角阀结构, 采用隔膜驱动, 液压操作.【期刊摘选】

上一篇:diaphoresis的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:diapir的翻译与解释是什么


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