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1、 overly 2、 音标:英 ['əʊvəlɪ] 美 ['ovɚli] 3、 解释: 4、 adv. 过度地;极度地 5、 n. (Overly)人名;(英)奥弗利 6、 助记提示: 7、 1. over + -ly. 8、 2. 含义:excessively. 9、 英文词源: 10、 overly (adv.) 11、 "excessively," Old English oferlice; see over + -ly (2). Often "regarded as an Americanism in the U.K." [OED]. 12、 双语例句: 13、 1. Employers may become overly cautious about taking on new staff. 14、 雇主在雇用新职员时可能会变得过于谨慎。 15、 来自柯林斯例句 16、 2. I'm not overly fond of pasta. 17、 我不怎么太喜爱意大利面食。 18、 来自《权威词典》 19、 3. He was acting out his feelings of inferiority by being overly aggressive. 20、 他通过过于暴躁好斗的行为来宣泄自卑感. 21、 来自《简明英汉词典》 22、 4. He is overly worried about his health; his doctor said he is very healthy. 23、 他对自己的身体过度担忧, 而医生说他很健康. 24、 来自《简明英汉词典》 25、 5. When you write, avoid sandwiching the bad news between an irrelevant, indirect, or overly cushioned beginning and end. 26、 在写文章时,不要把坏消息夹在毫不相关、拐弯抹角或过度铺垫的开头和结尾中间。 27、 来自柯林斯例句 28、 更多相关例句: 29、 I'm not overly fond of pasta. 30、 我不怎么太喜爱意大利面食。【牛津词典】 31、 We think you are being overly optimistic. 32、 我们认为你过于乐观了。【牛津词典】 33、 Employers may become overly cautious about taking on new staff. 34、 雇主在雇用新职员时可能会变得过于谨慎。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 35、 Such overly sensitive people must is handled with kid gloves. 36、 对这种过分小心眼儿的人必须妥善应付.【期刊摘选】 37、 THE POLITICIAN WAS ABLE TO TAKE THE PULSE OF THE GRASSROOTS VOTERS WITHOUT BECOMING OVERLY ABSORBED. 38、 新加坡人应该培养对待外来人才的成熟心态——你好,也好.【期刊摘选】 39、 Organizations are at a disadvantage if they become overly dependent on any powerful supplier. 40、 如果一个组织过分依赖一个强有力的供应商,它将处于不利境地.【期刊摘选】 41、 At the same time, she avoids clothes that could be distracting or overly sexy. 42、 同时, 她会避免分散注意力或者过于性感的衣服.【期刊摘选】 43、 These suggest that the IMF and ADB may be overly optimistic. 44、 这些说明,国际货币基金组织和亚洲开发银行,可能是过于乐观了.【期刊摘选】 45、 Many students are overly concerned about university rankings. 46、 许多学生过度地探求大学的排名.【期刊摘选】 47、 He is not overly fussed about being liked. 48、 对于人们的爱戴,他也没有过于大惊小怪.【期刊摘选】 49、 But the utility is overly restrictive in time and states of nature. 50、 但是可加效用对时间和自然状态有着太多的要求.【期刊摘选】 51、 I thought Borg's movement was much more fluid than his groundstrokes, which seemed overly fabricated. 52、 我认为Borg的移动比他击触地球要流畅得多, 简直看起来有点假了.【期刊摘选】 53、 He is overly worried about his health; his doctor said he is very healthy. 54、 他对自己的身体过度担忧, 而医生说他很健康.【《简明英汉词典》】 55、 They become overly sensitive to relationships with others and can lash out emotionally. 56、 他们会变得对人际关系变得过于敏感,而且可能会情绪化的发飙.【期刊摘选】 57、 Students were worried that the school might steer them towards overly academic concerns. 58、 学生们担心学校可能会使他们过于倾向学术方面的东西.【期刊摘选】 59、 However, avoid overly expensive jewelry or showy ornaments. 60、 当然, 应尽量避免过于奢华的珠宝和外饰.【期刊摘选】 61、 Is he overly attached to his mother and her mythical apron strings? 62、 是否他过度依附在他母亲和她神圣般的围裙绳里?【期刊摘选】 63、 By not being overly complex we won acceptance by the community and local Household Bureau. 64、 因为本方法简单,所以获得社区与户政事务所的认同.【期刊摘选】 65、 The politician was able to take the pulse of the grassroots voters without becoming overly absorbed. 66、 这位政治家可以不费太多心力就把其选民的心态摸清.【期刊摘选】 67、 I'm not overly tired. 68、 我不太疲倦.【期刊摘选】 69、 This may sound overly optimistic. 70、 这听起来可能过于乐观了.【期刊摘选】 71、 City governor no longer overly starves a city when there is not enough food. 72、 粮食不足时,城市管理者不会制造过渡的饥荒.【期刊摘选】 73、 The Exchange should not be overly about the risk of growth company failures. 74、 交易所不必过于担心增长型公司失败的风险.【期刊摘选】 75、 He was acting out his feelings of inferiority by being overly aggressive. 76、 他通过过于暴躁好斗的行为来宣泄自卑感.【《简明英汉词典》】 77、 Be wary of those who have overly strong convictions. 78、 警惕那些有着过于强烈信念的人.【期刊摘选】 79、 Otherwise, you will be overly sensitive and will think too much of someone's unwitting behavior. 80、 否则 ﹐ 你会变得过份敏感﹐对别人无意中的一些行为可能会联想太多.【期刊摘选】 81、 I'm not overly fond of pasta. 82、 我不怎么太喜爱意大利面食。【《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》】 83、 When you write, avoid sandwiching the bad news between an irrelevant, indirect, or overly cushioned beginning and end. 84、 在写文章时,不要把坏消息夹在毫不相关、拐弯抹角或过度铺垫的开头和结尾中间。【柯林斯例句】 85、 The study's authors, Joanne Wood and John Lee of the University of Waterloo and Elaine Perunovic of the University of New Brunswick, begin by citing older research showing that when people get feedback which they believe is overly positive, they actually feel worse, not better.【出自-2010年6月阅读原文】 86、 Overly strict standards often fail, James Bartram, a WHO water-health expert, said.【出自-2016年6月阅读原文】 87、 Laura Hamilton, the author of a study on parents who pay for college, will argue in a forthcoming book that college administrations arc overly concerned with the social and athletic activities of their students.【出自-2015年12月阅读原文】 88、 What can the West's overly indebted and sluggish (经济滞长的) nations learn from a flourishing Asia?【出自-2012年6月阅读原文】 89、 "Overly strict standards often fail," James Bartram, a WHO water-health expert, said.【2016年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C】 90、 Don't be overly focused on gaining consensus.【2019年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C】 91、 Laura Hamilton, the author of a study on parents who pay for college, will argue in a forthcoming book that college administrations are overly concerned with the social and athletic activities of their students.【2015年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C】 92、 The scientists cite a definition of "workaholism" as "being overly concerned about work, driven by an uncontrollable work motivation, and vesting so much time and effort in work that it impairs other important life areas.【2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B】 93、 It can be concluded that restaurant keepers need not "be overly concerned about ‘bad' tables," given that they're profitable.【2018年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文】 94、 Surveys 调查 on this topic suggests that parents today continue to be "very" or "somewhat" overly-protective even after their children move into college dormitories.【2015年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文】 95、 In many cases, it would not be overly onerous for authorities to obtain a warrant to search through phone contents.【出自-2015年考研阅读原文】 96、 Failing to recognize that, he notes, leads to "an overly simplified view of what the solutions might be".【2017年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ】 97、 Failing to recognize that, he notes, leads to an overly simplified view of what the solutions might be.【2017年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ】 98、 In many cases, it would not be overly burdensome for authorities to obtain a warrant to search through phone contents.【2015年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ】

上一篇:overlord的翻译与解释是什么 下一篇:overlying的翻译与解释是什么


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